if i was truly technophobic or a luddite _____

1 year ago

sumin weird on yt
am i taking everything personally like everyone else in this shit society
yes that's leo
rants and raves and whatever else
to the untrained ear we seem like such a cunt
i know i'm kinda mean but what's society doing, they're already killing themselves
i'm just stating facts
a christian shouldn't say things like this i know
i can't expect them to understand in any kinda way
i dunno what it's like to be ____
this is totally your avg american
if i voted, i didn't want evidence of it
i offend people all the time
fasting offends people
the powers at be are just gonna keep on goin with this communist takeover
everyone's dependence on technology does affect me but my refusal to ______ does not affect others (aside from my lack of a smartphone)
they thought flip phone days were over
flip phone life vs. cyborg life
yes this is how they all sound in my head
i pissed you off tho, trolling real time
ask people questions tho that might help them remember
this world is way shittier due to the technology
positive for your soul to turn a blind eye to terrible things, don't dwell either
it's okay to lament...bad news which is why we're obsessed w/ the Gospel...good news
so many ways they're poisoning
monsanto juice all over this spinach probably, does this health food store even count
who knows now, this is a different time
the time for truth telling is now
giant star of david everywhere
ADL is probably not practicing hasidic jews
ronnit is my jew, i wish that she ran the media, just her
i can use her as a vehicle
there's always a way around the system
these people don't follow God's will
God will create the Way if only they'd trust Him (their loss)
WHISKERS! i was saying this repeatedly at work today
play whiskers not real whiskers, i'm just getting old
growing spiritually means that aging won't bother you
the material world is so lame
deeper understanding of the way things are, wise or whatever
why does trump need to say it
why does everyone need someone else to be their mouthpiece
paisley links the sink becuz she can, no shame
apathy and victim playing bullshit is
just becuz i make statements like that doesn't disregard my empathy
many many things can be true at the same time
schizos can see the whole picture
blessed with this gift to empathize with scum,
demonic tv in yer pocket all the time
and now technology is a govt financed drug addiction
why would you wanna make it easier
nobody would have ANYTHING

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