Leo Frank Case, Watson's Magazine Sept 1915, Part 2 of 13, read by John De Nugent

2 years ago

This clip continues on the comparison between the Becker and Frank cases where the Judge refused to continue with the first when the lawyer for the defendant claimed that the former's trial was "disorderly". The Judge defended the prosecution in that case but the Jewish defense lawyer for Leo Frank wanted a continuance of the case. The US Supreme court however denied that Frank had any of his rights violated. The Jewish media like the Daily stated in a racist hit-piece against Jim Conley that Frank was convicted based on the false accusations of a Negro criminal who had a clean record prior to being an accessory to the rape and murder of Leo Frank. The Law in the State of Georgia doesn't only take evidence from an accomplice in order to convict a criminal which is why there was a case against Leo Max Frank in the very first place otherwise the judges would be accused of perjury. Frank was in no way convicted of the crime by his accomplice.

Mary Phagan was a really good Christian girl of the Adrial class of the First Christian Bible School. Her mother Mrs. J. W. Coleman testified when she saw her daughter last, what she did before her death, how she was dressed, and how she looked which matched what was seen at the crime scene. Other eye-witnesses like George Epp also came forward and testified where Mary Phagan was last seen before her death (on the streetcar that the witness rode with her) and further added that she never showed up for the ball game later in the day. The next eye-witness was Newt Lee the Night-Watch who discovered the body of Mary Phagan the very next day and claimed that Frank wanted him to come earlier. Newt claimed that Gantt had arrived to pick up two pairs of shoes that he left behind when he worked at the factory and Frank asked the Negro Newt Lee to go up with the former employee to try and locate them. It was that same night he found Mary's corpse by mistake in the basement when he had to answer nature's call and go to the washroom and quickly informed the police as to what happened where Frank was interrogated as well during the following week at the local station. A note was pinned to the body implicating Jim Conley (identified as the tall, black, slim negro) committed the crime and blamed it on him (identified in the note as the Negro night-watch Newt Lee). Sargent Dobbs was the police and eye witness who testified later on that he was called on the morning of April 27th 3:25 AM 2013 and he also provided important details to what he saw.

This case is mandatory study for all 8th grade students in Georgia, if you are interested in learning more about it, please read these two books:

1 - The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Kean, 1988
2 - The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 3 the Leo Frank Case, the Lynching of a Guilty Man by NOI Research Group, 2016

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