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Channel Update

2 years ago

Channel Update!!!

I thought I would share a two exciting updates for my channel! If you watch this video, you will also learn why I haven't yet posted a general weekly tea leaf reading for the past week or so, and how this connects with my update!

Exciting changes ahead, which we can feel, I believe, individually and as a collective. I know can; can you? For me it feels like excitement tempered with a sense of doing the best I can while feeling or experiencing some heavy energies. I know I have been going inward and doing some shadow work!

Thank you again so much for your interest and patience!!

Have an amazing day!!
See you soon 💖💖

If you are interested in learning more about me, or to schedule a reading, thank you!

You are welcome to visit my website: http://www.sarah-adamson.com

To explore my other links and platforms, or to contact me for a reading, please visit my Linktree here:

Before watching any of the general weekly tea leaf readings I post, you may find it beneficial and/or helpful to watch my Introductory video. There, I briefly speak about how I read tea leaves, as I am aware that different people approach tea leaf reading differently.

Here is the link to my introductory video, called "Nice to Meet You!"


---My Videos Are:
*NOT intended to replace ANY form of advice or treatment. ALWAYS consult professionals, medical or otherwise, as needed.
*I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe any condition, medical or otherwise. Again, please use your own discernment when making any decision and consult professionals as needed.
*NOT intended as factual.
*NOT a decision-making replacement.
*If you watch my videos, I am not responsible for your thoughts/actions in ANY way/area of life, such as medical, financial, legal and all other areas.
*We are all responsible for our own decisions.

My suggestion is to ALWAYS use your own discernment and make decisions you feel are right for you.