Think Good Feeling Thoughts & Get Good Things | Abraham Hicks | Law of Attraction | Feel Good Now

2 years ago

Abraham Hicks and Esther and Jerry talk about relaxing and enjoying the journey more, how to recognize your path when you're on it, paying attention to how you feel, listening to your inner guidance system, and the law of attraction.

00:06 Relax and accept that you are worthy
00:52 It’s about where you’re heading
01:35 Who you are is about how you feel
02:05 All of your power is in the here and now
02:37 How you feel now gives a different vibration
03:18 Things that match your thoughts become your vibration
04:06 Law of attraction brings you what you’re thinking about
05:03 Look around you in your now for good feeling thoughts
05:33 Don’t drag around thoughts you don’t want more of
07:00 You will know by the way you feel
07:46 Where are you compared to where you want to be
08:15 Your own guidance system is there to assist you
09:40 Your own guidance system will lead you on the path to least resistance and most joy
10:16 How do you know if you’re on your path
10:29 What you path feels like when you’re on it
10:38 What it feels like to be off your path
11:10 What your path is like
11:50 No one can tell you which way to go
12:30 Make a decision to follow what feels good
13:31 You will never finish your path

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