The Renaissance was a Reset.

1 year ago

The Renaissance is said to be a rebirth of classical antiquity from ancient Greece and Rome, but closer inspection reveals that the classic antiquity of Greece and Rome were actually plundered by the Catholic Church and the Medici Dynasty using artists to help them pull it off!! Historians claim that Rome was established in 753 BC and fell in i453 AD. Rome was said to include large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe,
Northern Africa, and Western Asia. Most of the same area claimed as Roman Territory was actually called Tartaria as shown in many old maps from that time. Rome’s 22 “inserted” centuries of rule do not fit these maps.
It is a known fact that radiocarbon and dendrochronological dating are manipulated by mainstream historians.

Yes, I said reset and not rebirth. It seems man tried his hand at giving birth to himself as hardly a woman of significance was to be found in this great rebirth! The Medici dynasty snapped up art, money and religion for almost 300 consecutive years afflicting untold irreversible damage to humanity’s creative evolution. However, I am sure in some way that going into the darkness helps to bring out our light.

Rome's "Rebirth" was the reset lynchpin for much of the world because it claimed a superior culture and a complete stranglehold on creativity by deigning greatness upon the upper class and bestowing no recognition of creativity upon the women or the masses. The de Medicis held a trifector of control through, banking, religion and art that lasted almost 300 years and largely shaped the degenerate world that we know today.

Let us begin with the Last Judgement, a painting by Hieronymus Bosch:
Bosch was a Dutch/Netherlandish painter born in Brabant in i450. As one of the most prolific and outstanding representatives of the Early Netherlandish painting school he produced fantastic, surreal paintings with a religious motif throughout, mostly in the form of depictions of hell. Although he is said to represent the Early Netherlandish painting school, he was truly a representative of the church and its’ huge advertising campaign to promote the notion of hell and sin. I am sure you would much rather look over there at the Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world, and stay in the matrix but as the veil lifts the truth must out and the truth about humanity’s celebrated rebirth must be revealed as a stepping stone to rightfully reclaim our creativity for the purpose God intended.

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