the man in my head *cerebral companion can't drive my car (completely)

1 year ago

i'm not good at driving me around
running over stuff or letting stuff run into me
so unruly being me sometimes
i'd like to think that i could be a better driver
i don't want a man most of the time
i need a chauffeur that's it
it feels like it's 2am but it's like 9pm
time was never really there anyway
bustin out the cold brew, clinkity clink
can't knock the camera cos it'll stop recording (this has happened twice maybe three times)
in case you're new to this channel
the man in my head: an introduction
you'll leave sooner rather than later
no matter what you might think about me now...
run right away back to your confirmation bias or whatever that shit is
according to the world, this is crazy
unable to quit considering different angles
i love it when he yells at me
what happened to those chords, they just went POOF!
stumptown, that's where i live haha
i'd rather be _____ than be boring
consistently inconsistent
not the only one to notice this, sari for whoever does
there's an example of exactly what i'm talking about
tippy tippy tippy toes right here, trying to be close to God i guess
maybe that's good for creativity
soooo good at self-destructing
i'll accept whatever consequences
"psychic darts" so true lauren!
does anybody else have a thing w/ God
i've always had this by the way, beautiful beautiful thing
well actually you CAN have a sexual relationship with God
internet porn has kicked in the door of sexual immorality
God sees me touchin myself
my strong God conscience never stopped me from doin "bad" things
strong example of my shadow self
the good part of me has to be challenged, must see the opposite to understand what the truth is
those three notes nice segway
quiet like me
why i started meowing randomly, possibly
what i want to come out isn't what i want it to be
i got a lotta lives, way more than 9
quadruple bookkeeping
is that witchy shit, it sounds like it
i have weird friends okay
my mother made this sweatshirt by the way, cross stitched
my energy? or my humor? or my weed?
conversation skills are dope tho and this might be why
wtf area code is that
just becuz the phone is ringing...
you can be a stronger better person
i hate when people call me
i hate phones i can't say it enough
that's no reason to do sumin, in fact that might be very specifically a reason NOT to do it
the more you push, the more imma dig in my heels
the more they insist the more we resist
good luck trying to get me to take yer pharmies
satan but made in a lab!
the public chooses to be duped and dumb but they still have my pity
there ain't a virtue in being dumb ie gullible
by simple i mean trusting God
label to trust and depend upon for whatever reason YOU put on THEM
not problems but minor inconvenience
you choose to see em the way you see em
change of perspective in the dark
happy happy happy eternal salvation
overwhelmed just thinking about Him
nothing but God was ever ****ing great
we don't have to worry about anything but our soul
they're all running from the Truth, just read the Bible
don't worry about what you're gonna do for food
everybody's a zygote
i still act like i got a baby bottle
chewin it up and spitting it out
this cheek, that cheek
vitriolic on this channel cos art is allowed to be bitter
bitch about this stupid ass world, what we do best
everybody seems to be fine with the prince of darkness running everything
make communism great again!
let's make china Christian

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