if hillary were a fire snatch...ag reads political ads (dems)

1 year ago

finally doing what i said i was gonna do a month ago
the "election" is already over
we gonna keep this mf goin as kelsey kells would say
wide array of political ads
don't chu love these lights
we do have fun reading these
multiple candidates send me their bullshit
don't thank me bitch...they always trick you into thinkin that you are most definitely gonna do sumin that's totally pointless and an obvious sham (ag is the real mythbusters)
don't guilt me into your bullshit
what about the silent majority tho
important information for voters: kill yourself
andy ogles won (MY MAYOR HAHA BITCH)
i guess they think i'm a feminist (cos i'm a woman)
rape or incest or other bullshit
b&w photo of someone in distress
what families, they don't believe in that shit
is that free mason, we'll find out
meow meow meow bitch
propaganda reel here
abortion is still on the table, it's america ie babylon part2
such a small percentage for this demographic, just say what it is: bullshit
this is why i shouldn't run for congress. i was trying to say i swear too much
how to think...women dunno about that
back to this bitch
hands on kinda gal
okay bitch okay, i like that one (thumbs up from the vortex)
choice as a universal word
killing babies is not a good thing no matter what you call em
everyone is outta touch if they have sex (oh the irony)
indonesia just banned premarital sex, whoo hoo
indonesia here we come
eliminating pharmies how bout that
go back to the old world we need to do that anyway
arlo won't say hi right now
gotta pretend that the cameras aren't there
there's those hands again
is she explaining hair products or feminism
not just their physical appearance but their aura entirely
typical woman hands and the same look there, very creepy
smoke a doobie kid and never ever fuckin vote
they don't believe in men anymore
i tried being funny and failed, sari yawl
this picture is classic propaganda
creepy ass interaction with that poor kid who looks somewhat terrified by crazy lady and crazy lady feminist friend
andy ogles looks so cool
our freedom to kill babies
okay we already read this, they could make an exception for that if they wanted to (fine print oh and also, black market who gives a fuck)
they don't believe in abortion if they think it has to be at a clinic
this is waaaaay outside the box
PP and democrat party...ponzie scheme in bed w/ each other
i actually found this book list catalog upstairs
yes my house is a mess, i am an artist and a crazy person (defense, defense)
promoting the leftist, marxist math (they have to now)
wtf is clean air anyway
i guess everyone is pro corporation
i wonder if her kids hate her
they have dogs tho
one hour photo, creepy ass movie right there
why would she put mom first and then advocate for abortion rights
common sense and common ground is not a democrat characteristic
that bitch is a total control freak
they're just like me cos they live in a house and take all my money and encourage me to kill my baby
i like this picture a lot, imma fuck with it
FREEDOM FOR FAMILIES...all republican buzzwords
the choice is CLEAR
andy ogles is not clear, but heidi campbell is a fire snatch
we're gonna do another video where we mock the governor don't worry
this whole ad is doin the same thing
why do you keep using the word family, bitch
that bitch has never been to the projects
kill old people yay
marxist math even tho karl was a racist
red flag laws & useless gun control is what that means
bill lee just did that haha
he wasn't ready
i hate republicans too but democrats are so dramatic
crusade, another buzzword
sex is kinda obligatory due to marriage agreement
just push Christianity instead
wtf is progress
i see what he did there and i totally agree
how to not be satisfied with your genitals that you've never thought about until now
these books exist, i will show you in another video i promise
quite a mess in these parts, so true!
our whole system is fucked up
hope your holistic "witch doctor" will know what they're talking about (not even joking, the west is not the best)
fuck yeah agree agree agree
the schools suck and they've always sucked
sex is not something that children should be forced to "learn" about
that should be everybody's face
democrats should eliminate the word family from their vocabulary
that was me talking the whole time!
heidi campbell, obvious psycho bitch
karl marx was right putting women on top in order to take down the whole ship (satan did the same thing)
satan said: just use women
she looks like ms. boss lady
so willing to throw away people they claim they care about due to politics
black sheep so we can't do that
...yeah it cut off cos we talk too long imagine that...

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