Oct 27, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Come, retreat into My Heart and I will restore your Soul

1 year ago

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Come, retreat into My Heart & I will restore your Soul

October 27, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you, precious Heartdwellers. Thank you so much for your prayers – I really, really appreciate it.

(Jesus) “Suffering may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. What you suffer now on Earth will most certainly bring you glory in Heaven. Although I am well aware that is not your motive. I know how you love Me, Clare, and are willing to submit to the trials I allow in your life. They are to strengthen you, My Love, so that you will not back away from any adversity.

“They are fires of purification to prove your love for Me is pure, fire-tried silver, gleaming and glancing over the obstacles in your path. How I wish for all of You, My People, to persevere under trial. I know you feel like quitting sometimes, but for those of you who do not, there is a Victor’s Crown awaiting you.”

(Clare) Lord, I guess You know that thought has been going through my mind, but not with any seriousness, I hope, just a feeling that this journey is getting too hard and too long. I’m getting tired, Jesus. In the situation with our Bruno, the devil immediately was there to condemn me that I did something wrong, that I was in sin and that’s why my dog died, and so on and so forth. The Lord was very strong, and said…

(Jesus) “You did nothing, you are not guilty.”

(Clare) And that helped, that prevented those fiery darts from landing in my heart and saying it was my fault. But, the Lord assured me that nothing was my fault, this was something He was allowing for certain souls who are on the verge of hell right now.

(Jesus) “Yes, discouragement can set in if you are not very, very careful, not to receive the insinuations of the enemy… ‘See the way your God is? Harsh, cruel, punishing – not protecting. Back down from this path, He will only make you suffer more if you continue to serve Him that way. Quit while you’re ahead. No matter how hard you try to please Him you always do something wrong, and He punishes you. It is your fault, after all, that your dog died – you still have faults and sin in your life, so He punishes you.’

“The enemy will taunt you with this and worse if you let him. These are his tools: Dejection and Condemnation. But little does he see how suffering purifies a soul and takes from him his quarry. If the devils really understood how many souls are saved every time I allow trials in the lives of My Faithful ones, he would quickly cease his operations against them.

“Nothing works to his advantage, all turns to merit in My hands. I know how you are feeling, Clare, and I know how weary you are, but breakthrough is coming. I am with you, and all you have to do is give Me your consent and cling to Me with all your heart, your mind and your strength. I will do the rest. I will accomplish it all, your part is to hold onto Me and never let Me go.

“I want all of My Heartdwellers to retreat to My Heart when the world is yet too harsh. Come and bury yourself in prayer and supplication. Let Me enfold you in the blanket of grace, made just for you to restore your hearts and minds. In this place I will heal. In this place I will strengthen, give wisdom, perseverance and most of all exercise you in love and sacrifice until your image reflects Me to the world. Come and do not allow the devils to weary you, retreat into this safe space where there is healing and rest.

“I hold you tenderly there, My Loves. I tend to your wounds and restore your soul… Come.”

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