If I am always going to sin, how do I restore my fellowship with God?

1 year ago

Our listener asks, "One question I have that can hopefully be
addressed in our next conversation is this: If sin
breaks fellowship with God, how do we know
once our fellowship is restored if we are always
going to sin this side of eternity? I’ve become addicted to certain sinful habits and have
prayed much about it, but still have the struggle.
Could this be a sign that I’ve become a
reprobate, even as a saved person? My problem
is this is just very painful. The pain seems to be unbearable. Things are just very heavy, and I’m
looking for hope. Best regards."

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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#fellowship #discipline #Father #God #bibleline #truth #chastening #punishment #sin #1john #confess #restore

that you sin not is it possible for a
to avoid sin absolutely absolutely and
it is encouraged Titus talks about Good
Works Jesus talks about being put on a
hill so that our good works point to the
father that they may glorify him
hey welcome back to Bible line I'm your
host Pastor Jesse Martinez and today
we're going to answer a question from an
email that I got actually with the
person that I'm counseling right now and
there's no problem to have this video
made he's aware of it not going to
release his name or anything like that
but I think that this answer will help a
lot of people's questions so let's Dive
Right In so he says one question I have
that can hopefully be addressed in our
next conversation is this if sin breaks
fellowship with God how do we know once
our fellowship is restored if we are
always going to sin this side of
I've become addicted to certain sinful
habits and have prayed much about it but
still have the struggle could this be a
sign that I've become a reprobate even
as a saved person
my problem is this is just very painful
the pain seems to be almost unbearable
things are just very heavy and I'm
looking for hope
best regards all right good question
we've got good answers if you have your
Bible let's get right into it Hebrews
chapter 12 and verse 5. and ye have
forgotten the exhortation which speaketh
unto you as unto children my son despise
not thou the chastening of the Lord nor
faint when thou art rebuked of him
for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth
and scourgeth every son whom he
receiveth verse 7 if you endure
chastening God dealeth with you as with
for what son is he whom the father
chasteneth not but if ye be without
chastisement whereof all are partakers
then you're bastards and not Sons
we have had fathers of our flesh which
corrected us and we gave them reverence
shall we not much rather be in
subjection unto the father's spirits and
live all right let's pause there for a
moment and kind of break this down we
just covered almost 10 verses
the principle that's being taught here
is this is actually uh Hebrews chapter
12 and verse 5 is quoting from The Book
of Proverbs where it says my son despise
not thou the chastening of the Lord nor
faint when thou art rebuked of him
God in the position of your father now
he's no longer your judge okay he's no
longer the one that you are accountable
to for the payment of sin that has been
satisfied the wrath of God has been
satisfied in his son Jesus Christ
and so now when God looks at you it's a
father-son relationship
you are now his child and he as the
righteous father must discipline you
when you are in error
but the discipline is not going to be
okay and and this is something that I
think we need to brace ourselves for and
it should encourage us to stay away from
I don't know how you were raised but I
was raised in a family with corporal
punishment and there were very clear
standards set and it was said Jesse if
you break the standard you receive the
discipline sometimes that discipline was
the loss of a privilege like playing a
video game or being able to go outside
with my friends or doing an event we
were going to do that weekend it gets
canceled because I did I disobeyed but
if my discipline if that discipline did
not work and I continue to break the
standards well now we're talking about
willful rebellion and now that has to be
chastening and that's what the word
chastening means here as a matter of
fact you'll see that in verse 6 for whom
the Lord loveth he chasteneth and
so discipline is when there's a
consequence that's brought on to the
person who's broken the standard
chastening those when there's a physical
discipline this is where spanking comes
in things like that and no I'm not for
child abuse but we have to understand
God will do things in our lives that
will cause us
difficulties we would even call it pain
heaviness of that conviction and it's
not because he's some mean and wicked
God it's because he knows how serious
sin is it put his son on the cross it
required Jesus shed blood and therefore
we have to understand the consequences
for sin in this life and there are
consequences if you live a life as an
alcoholic you will not be free of
you're going to have health problems
you're going to have social problems
you're going to run into legal problems
at some point if you live a life of you
know unfaithfulness or just total sexual
there's going to be consequences from
that sexually transmitted diseases you
can't lock down anything or whatever it
may be you're not going to have this
life that the world tells you it's going
to be so much fun and if you do those
things as a child of God you certainly
are now running the risk as James
chapter 5 says you're going to be taken
out of here there is a sin which is unto
death and a lot of people think that's a
particular sin but there is a specific
sin that you can do not any one specific
but you just crossed the line where the
Lord has now decided it's better for you
to be here in glory than it is to
continue to mess up your testimony on
so these things are not going to be fun
and I and I believe wholeheartedly
that's why you feel this heaviness okay
the struggle with sin is exactly that it
is a struggle however the I think you're
going to be able to overcome this sin of
course through the through the power of
the Holy Spirit but also by properly
recognizing the process of confession
and let's take a look at that now
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today let's get back to today's answer
so the process of confession is
understanding that word confession it
means to come to an agreement I'm not
going to butcher the Greek word there
but it does mean to come to an agreement
so let's look at that here in first John
1 9 if we confess our sins he God is
faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness now some people want to
say that this means
you have to routinely confess to have
the ultimate forgiveness for sins but
we're not talking about that
we're talking about the sanctification
we're talking about walking in the
spirit and not fulfilling the lust of
the flesh as we walk in our flesh it
causes A disruption in our fellowship
with the Lord look at the process here
in first John 1 6.
if we say that we have fellowship with
him and walk in darkness we lie and do
not the truth look at verse 8 if we say
that we have no sin we deceive ourselves
and the truth is not in us so now we lie
by saying oh I'm walking in the light
but I'm really walking in my flesh I'm
living in sin okay
you're lying now verse 8 says if we say
we have no sin meaning you you just
rationalize it away well it's not it's
not sin it's not bad now you're
deceiving yourself and the truth is not
in you then you get to First John 1 10
which is the real serious thing if we
say we have not sinned if we're now
saying what I have done is not sin at
all we make him God a liar and his word
is not in us now all these things are
not they're not proof texts to see if
you're saved this is to see are you in
fellowship with God even though you say
that you are
and your question about if sin breaks
fellowship with God how do we know once
our fellowship is restored if we are
always going to sin this side of
Eternity this is the beauty
of the new nature
the new nature is born of God it cannot
sin because his sin because his seed
remaineth in him and he cannot sin as a
result of that First John 3 9 says that
but when does the confession happen
immediately upon the moment of asking
God's not waiting to see if you really
got it
now he'll be able to identify if you're
just kind of ritualistically confessing
or not because he's going to have to
continue to discipline you but the
forgiveness is available right away look
what it says if we confess our sins he
is faithful he will that word Faithful
is consistent he is consistent and just
to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness
now look in Chapter 2 and verse 1. my
little children these things right unto
you that you sin not is it possible for
a believer
to avoid sin absolutely absolutely and
it is encouraged Titus talks about Good
Works Jesus talks about being put on a
hill so that our good works point to the
father that they may glorify him
but we are going to sin
and John knew that look what he says and
if any man sin we have an advocate with
the father Jesus Christ the righteous
and he is the propitiation for our sins
so our sins have been covered so the
question when do we know we're forgiven
you're forgiven right there in that
moment that you asked to confess and
then you walk in the spirit and you will
not fulfill the lust of the flesh
yes it's not it's not a thing where it's
like one or the other you're either
walking in the spirit or you're walking
in the flesh and I would be careful
trying to get into the weeds of things
right trying to get so hyper focused on
if I choose to go to McDonald's instead
of Wendy's is that flesh or Spirit
that's you're bounding yourself you're
binding yourself trust the Lord do what
he says I always talk to people about
the four talks do these four things and
I think it'll really help you number one
God talks to me that's through Bible
study number two I talk to God that's
through consistent prayer number three I
fellowship or I talk with like-minded
Believers that's Fellowship I believe
that's a part of the local church
function getting together encouraging
one another and number four I talk to
the Lost
you work on those things and I think
everything else will fall into place
but the best way that you can know that
you're walking in the spirit is you love
one another the Bible tells us that in
Romans chapter 13. oh no man anything
but to love one another you love the
people in the body of Christ and you
love the loss by getting on the gospel
so I pray that gives you an answer to
your question make sure that you write
to us questions at bibleinministries.org
and we'll do our very very best to get
you an answer until next time keep
looking up Jesus Christ is coming soon
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this video be sure to check the links in
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teaching Bible and is in Ministry of
Calvary Community Church located in
Tampa Florida

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