Spontaneous Prayer of the Heart, without Words... Jesus elucidates ❤️ 3rd Testament Chapter 17-4/12

1 year ago

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Spontaneous Prayer of the Heart, without Words

53. My people, this is the voice of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual manifestation of God through the faculty of your understanding, not to reveal a new law or teaching, but a form of worship and communication with God that is far more advanced, spiritual and perfect.

54. How many there are who hear My Word, who have become great interpreters thereof, and nonetheless, in regards to practicing My doctrine, they are not the best of My disciples, and neither do they fulfill the divine commandment which tells you: “Love one another.”

55. In contrast, behold how easily one who puts merely a single atom of My teachings into practice is transformed. Do you require an example?

56. There was once someone who, throughout his entire life, told Me that he loved Me through recited prayers; prayers formulated by others, which he did not even understand because they consisted of words he did not know. But one day he came to understand the true way to pray, and by putting aside his old habits and concentrating on the innermost part of his spirit, he elevated his thoughts to God and, for the first time, felt His presence.

57. He did not know what to say to his Lord; sobs began to emerge from his chest and tears flowed from his eyes. In his mind a single thought formed, and it was: “My Father, what can I say to you, considering I do not know how to speak to You?”

58. But those tears, those sobs, that joy within, and even his turmoil, spoke to the Father in a language so beautiful, unlike anything you could ever find in any of your human languages or books.

59. The babbling of this man, praying to his Lord in spirit for the first time, was like the first words of a child, charming and delightful to its parents, for they hear the first expressions of a being arising into life.

60. The elevated spirit knows that the human word impoverishes and diminishes the expression of the spiritual thought. That is why its material lips remain silent, to elevate itself with a language only God comprehends, enunciating the secret it has concealed within its innermost being.

61. How much joy you bring My Spirit when I see that you elevate your thoughts in search of your Father. I allow you to feel My presence, and I shower you with peace.

62. Seek Me, speak to Me, and do not let it bother you that your thoughts are ungainly in expressing your pleas. I will know how to understand them. Speak to Me with the confidence with which one speaks to their Father. Tell Me about your concerns as you would to your best friend. Ask Me what you do not know, everything you cannot comprehend, and I will speak to you as a teacher; but pray, so in that blessed moment of spiritual elevation towards Me, you might receive the light, strength, blessing, and peace which your Father grants you.”

63. Tell Me of your sorrows in silence, confide to Me your yearnings. Though I know all, I wish for you to learn to formulate your own prayers, until you are ready to practice the perfect communication between your spirit and the Father.

64. Prayer can be extensive or brief, depending on what is required. You may, if you so desire, spend hours in spiritual bliss, should your physical body not grow tired, or should no other duty require your attention. And prayer may be as brief as a single second, should you find yourselves subjected to a trial that has taken you by surprise.

65. What reaches Me are not the words with which your mind attempts to formulate your prayers, but the love, faith, or need with which you present yourselves to Me. That is why I tell you that there will be times when your prayer will last no longer than a second, for there will be no time to formulate thoughts, phrases, or ideas as you are accustomed to doing.

66. Wherever you are, you may call upon Me, for the place is of no importance to Me; what I seek is the spirit.

67. During the Second Era a woman asked Jesus if the place where one ought to worship God was in Jerusalem, and the Master answered her: “The hour draws near when neither Jerusalem nor any other local will be the proper place to worship God, for He shall be worshipped in spirit and truth, that is, from spirit to Spirit.”

68. When My disciples asked Me to teach them to pray, as an example I bestowed upon them the prayer you call the “Our Father”, making them understand that the true and perfect prayer is born spontaneously of the heart and ascends to the Father. It must contain obedience, humility, confession, gratitude, faith, hope, and adoration.

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