The Signs of My Presence with, in and among you are... ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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The Signs of My Presence with, in and among you are...

The Great Gospel of John Volume 9 Chapter 43

1. Thereupon the Greek, who had been the spokesman earlier already, came up to Me and said: "Lord, Lord, God and Master of eternity in Your Spirit! You may be leaving us with Your visible presence, but we ask You to stay with us with Your most elevated Spirit of God, as well as to give us a sign every now and then, which may act as a guarantee that You remember us and that You are with us in Spirit."

2. Said I: "Yes, and it shall be thus unto the end of times of this visible world! And you will not receive merely a single sign, for you shall have several at all times, letting you know that I am present in Spirit with you, among you and within you. These certain and never deceiving signs will always and eternally be the following:

3. The first sign is that you will love Me more than everything else in the world! For if someone loves anything in the world more than Me, he is not worthy of Me, but whoever truly loves Me above all, resides within Me, and I within him.

4. The second sign of My presence with you is that you, out of love for Me, will love your neighbor and fellow men, both young and old, as yourself, for how can someone who does not love his neighbor, whom he can see, love God in Me, whom he cannot see? Even though you may be able to see and hear Me now, still, from now on you will not see Me anymore in this world. And when you will not see Me anymore, will your love remain the same as it is now while you can still see Me? Yes, this love will indeed stay the same with you, but take care that it will stay the same with those who come later as well! For if someone will truly love Me above all in his heart, by living and acting according to My Will that has been revealed to him, I will personally come to him in Spirit, and I will reveal Myself to him as entirely present.

5. The third sign of My presence with, in and among you is that everything you will ask the Father in Me for, in My Name and in all seriousness, will always be given to you. However, it should be obvious that you must not ask Me for the foolish and trifling things of this world, for if you were to do that, you would clearly show that you love those things more than Me, and that would surely not be a sign of My presence with, in and among you.

6. The fourth sign of My mighty presence with, in and among you is that, should you, in My Name, lay your hands upon those sick in body, in true love for your neighbour, their condition will improve, if this recovery is beneficial to their souls.

7. However, it should certainly be obvious that, as you do so, you shall always say within your heart: 'Lord, not my will, but only Your will be done.' You cannot know if and when it will be beneficial for the body of the soul to be healed, and an eternal life on this Earth is given to no one! That is why the laying on of one's hands cannot always free everyone from their physical afflictions. But still, you will never be committing a sin when you show this love I have indicated to you to every sickly person you meet. The Helper shall be I, if it will be useful for the salvation of the soul at hand, and this, only I can know.

8. Should you realize that one or the other friend of yours has gone down with some sickness, pray for him and lay your hands upon him in spirit, and his condition will improve.

9 May the prayer to be uttered in one's heart consist only of these few words: 'May Jesus, the Lord, help you! May He strengthen you, may He heal you through His grace, love and mercy!' Should you say this with complete faith and trust in Me over a sick friend, however distant he may be, and hold your hands over him in spirit, he will feel better in an hour's time, should this be beneficial for the salvation of his soul.

10. The fifth sign of My presence with, in and among you is that, if you will always do My will, you will achieve within yourselves the rebirth of the spirit. That shall be a true baptism of life, for you will be suffused with My Spirit and thereby be led into all wisdom.

11. May everyone strife for this fifth sign in particular! For he who will be given this sign shall have eternal life...


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