Churros and chocolate from San Gines are available on a laptop

1 year ago

Churros are a well-known and popular Spanish dish that may be found anywhere in Madrid. In Indonesia, there are also plenty of stands selling churros. "Chocolateria San Gines" is the name of the store in Spanish that is located in Madrid, and it was here that it was made to its full size in the Spanish Empire's matador year of 1894. This cafe seats 3000 patrons each day, oh. I'm with Kereen! How to properly prepare putar-putar adonan next to the penggorengan. Churros are commonly thought of as a Spanish national dish. Because the same materials are used to make donat, which is made of tepung terigu, garam, and air panas. Adonan was then aduk till rata and wasmasukan in the pencetakan tabung.
Please note the more thorough manufacturing process!
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