WOKE Media Claim BLACK ADAM LOST $100 Million, Warner Bros Says It BROKE EVEN! Here's the TRUTH

1 year ago

In a rather one-sided report by Variety who reports on the Black Adam theatrical release potentially losing millions of dollars, reps for Warner Bros. dispute various projections. Warner Bros has the actual accounting and reports Black Adam breaks even at $400 million worldwide and says it broke even. In this video we give you the truth.



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Dwayne Johnson’s ‘Black Adam’ In The Black: Saved By Home Entertainment

The article writes how in order to break even that Black Adam needs to make $600 million, then says $450 million, but WB tells the site that the break-even number is actually only $400 million.

The current worldwide box office is $384 million so Black Adam is just shy of that number.

As Dwayne Johnson has pointed out, Black Adam is the #1 movie on iTunes – and it remains so – and reps for Warner Bros. fill in Variety that the flick is overperforming in the home entertainment market.

It’s further pointed out in the Variety article that Warner Bros. says “that the film is poised to get into the black” thanks to ancillary revenues, which means it will end up making money not losing money.

Dwayne Johnson Black Adam Comic-Con
The hierarchy of the DC Universe has changed
So for a movie that introduces an unknown DC hero and an unknown team of heroes, breaking even or even just being slightly profitable isn’t all that bad because it sets up things to come that just might be more profitable in sequels and related movies.

Black Adam has a favorable 89% favorable Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score, so that says most fans loved the flick.

The producers have also said they can get a sequel ready to go ASAP, so that’s more good news.

“When I talk about [how] the hierarchy of the DC Universe has changed… We established Black Adam, around the world, as the most powerful and dominant, unstoppable force in the DC Universe. That is a fact,” said Johnson. “And we established the Justice Society around the world, too, and keep in mind, if you were not a hardcore comic book fan, no one heard of Black Adam or the Justice Society. The hardcore comic book fans, we got your love, we got your loyalty and I appreciate that to the bone. The rest of the world had no idea who Black Adam was, so we are establishing the brand.”

Dwayne Johnson Responds To 'Black Adam' vs. 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' Box Office Trolls
Why compare Black Adam to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever?
What I find odd is how Variety and the Marvel shills are constantly comparing Black Adam to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, a character and franchise that has been around for six years while Black Adam, again, is totally new and hasn’t been connected to any of the other DC characters or Justice League.

The Marvel shills do realize Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will barely break $800 million at the box office and that it’s underperforming at almost 50% less than the first Black Panther?

If that’s not a big bust, I don’t know what is.

I’ll also add the first Aquaman has blown Wakanda Forever out of the water, and that pun is intended. I can’t wait to read Variety’s article about that.


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