Faith a crutch over suicide?

1 year ago

I've often heard people refer to faith (or religion, which is different), as a crutch for the weak. Meanwhile, people who the world deems as strong and having it all together, tragically take their own lives more often than anyone would like to believe. Their crutch was most likely something in the world that offered temporary escape, but no permanent freedom or peace from suffering.
When we suffer, it inhibits our ability to love as we are called to love by our Creator. This single truth has been under attack since the beginning of time as we know it.
We are spiritual beings living a human experience, and faith in eternal truth is the only escape that offers an eternal promise that won't be broken.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." The words of Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 remain true to this day. He offers peace by putting our faith in Him and His kingdom, which is NOT of THIS world.
Faith is the ONLY crutch WORTH leaning on.
God bless you.

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