A New Day

1 year ago

Amazing Awe-God! He sent His Son, Jesus to us. Being all in with us, He made the big gesture of love toward us because He wanted a personal relationship with us. Jesus came to us, our hope of glory, our future maker. Jesus is the right of all the wrongs, a way-maker to reconciliation with our Father God. This day, God’s mercy is new for us, this is the day He purposefully made for us. As we look back with “heavenly hindsight” into the Bible, we see the story of our redemption throughout our history. God has always pursued us, God has always been for us. Our God is trustworthy, this season we are in, He has designed. Trust, wholly-holy trust in our God is what we need to aspire to in times such as these. Wholly means complete and holy means without a shred of doubt, we give our All-In God, total access to our lives in abandonment to His way, truth and life.

What keeps us from this wholly-holy trust is our own flesh. We want God to do things our prescribed way, the way we think things out to go. When we have those sudden detours in our life, we buck up our will against God instead of yielding our way to His way. All throughout history He has been mysterious, doing things no one could understand, no human could wrap their finite mind around.

Our God is Infinite, we believe in Him, now it is time to believe Him. Like no other time in history, God asks for our trust, He wants us to believe what He has said, to fully face Him and surrender to the navigation of His Holy Spirit, our personal Advocate. When we do this, when we lean into God’s Sovereign Sway, life is not only good, life is glorious in that miraculously merrily so kind of way. More of Him less of us we pray.

Let this be a new day for us, the day where we handed over the pen and let God write our story, surrendering all things us, to all things Him as we watch in prayer, wait in active faith and see Him work all things out for our good. The best is yet to come. It’s a new day.

Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/wave-maker/
https://rumble.com/vfi1k3-stand-trust-believe.html https://rumble.com/vayssp-stay-on-mission.html

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