Christmas, Traditional - King's Singers, Acapella

2 years ago

0:00 Veni, veni Emmanuel
3:12 Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen
5:41 Rise up, shepherd, and follow
8:17 Lullay my liking
12:32 Gaudete
14:10 There is a flower
17:40 Nöel nouvelet
20:06 Villançico Catalan
23:03 O little one sweet
25:15 La peregrinaçion
28:25 Stille Nacht
31:58 Joy to the world
34:09 El niño querido
37:15 Born on a new day
39:43 Jingle Bells
41:13 Christmas song
44:42 God rest you merry gentlemen
47:39 The little drummer boy
50:28 Deck the hall

id Hurley - countertenor
Philip Lawson - baritone
Timothy Wayne-Wright - countertenor
Christopher Gabbitas - baritone
Paul Phoenix - tenor
Jonathan Howard - bass

One of the world’s most celebrated ensembles, The King’s Singers have a packed schedule of concerts, recordings, media, and education work that spans the globe. Championing the work of young and established composers, they remain consummate entertainers; a class-act with delightfully British wit. From Gesualdo and György Ligeti to Michael Bublé, The King’s Singers are instantly recognizable for their spot-on intonation, their impeccable vocal blend, the flawless articulation of the text, and incisive timing.
The King’s Singers have an extraordinary history on television. A favorite of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, with whom they performed as part of the Winter Olympics, they appeared on the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s Christmas Concert to a combined live audience of 80,000.

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