Canada’s stores are the dumping ground for products other countries dont want

1 year ago

if its toxic, recalled , banned Canada has a surplus of it for consumers

all the good products are online only and you have to wait who knows how long to get it , if its even available which in most cases it is not

in most cases they do not ship to canada

dehumidifier with Uvc not available

far uvc in Canada not available

breathable brixk sealant non toxic not available

dr infared space heater 100% efficiency not available

no voc paint stain not available

but we do have tons of junk on the shelves like vortex heaters which have been recalled for fire's

so we are the dumping ground for toxic trash

Talcum asbestos baby powder shelves are full

glyphosate weed killer have tons of that

if its toxic, has been recalled, corporation has been sued bc of faulty product we have tons of this on our shelves

want anything good order online and with any luck they do ship to Canada which is rare and usually they will say out of stock

wood stain we have metric tons of absolute trash like Thompson water seal

apparently we must have made some deal to only have china CCP trash shipped here to be sold

my top cellphone picks

Bittium Tough Mobile 2C
Solarin From Sirin Labs
Purism Librem 5
Sirin Labs Finney U1

not the junk on the shelves like iphone samsung ect

all vangaurd Blackrock products

Canada is basically all vangaurd Blackrock products meaning
CCP and the elitists WEF dumping their trash here

WHO recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients
20 November 2020 banned in most countries

in Canada it was the treatment for covid that killed 25% of all its users

paxlovid banned in most countries pulled by FDA but given out like candy in Canada

it would seem Canada is trying to kill its citizens or dosent follow health regulations and guidelines posted by most countries

toxic foam products with isocynites we have tons of it ready to buy

all natural foam no voc almost impossible to get You must hunt for it like Gollum looking for his precious in the loard of the rings

if its Garbage and if it causes health issues to no end like tefal teflon pans well we have shelves a plenty of this

from garbage air purifierers that dont work to terrible medicine from toxic pesticide glyphosate foods to VOC recycled rubber mats full of toxic petro byproducts
Canada has the most selection of the worst products in the world

want to lower your seizure threshold Benadryl

want to lower your IQ DXM

want a moldy home we have tons of them for a low price of 1.2 million dollars

want fungal illness test so you dont get misdiagnosed sorry we dont do 1,3 b D-glycan test we will assume its covid or a bacterial infection without doing microscopy because that is how we roll here

Canada is anti science
anti intelligence
Anti health

we are a testing ground to see how many toxins its citizens can pay for and demand more without dying

general, rubber flooring products were found to emit a range of VOCs at different rates due to variations in material properties, and thickness. Several TDR flooring products emitted high rates of VOCs over the tested period, although chemicals of known health concern were at low levels or absent in most products.

that is what canada says Every other country disagrees. Tire rubber is toxic . i been to a recycling rubber plant which makes mats for homedepo walmart ect all vangaurd Blackrock owned stores and everyone was sick the air was black as night and everything has a slippery coating of rubber dust on it. it was in Brampton ontario

oshawa has a lead and chromium paint factory

Atlantic packaging is a literal garbage dump where respiratory infections are common

interview at industrial Landry facility was bascically a pathogen nightmare where the manager told me its covid back there .

thats canada for you if its toxic and dangerous you can buy it here when most other countries wont take it for free

Vornado Agrees to Pay $7.5 Million Civil Penalty for Failure to Immediately Report Space Heaters Posing a Fire Hazard USA

its on sale in Canada try not to burn your house down insurance wont cover it. but its on sale at most big box stores today . only 100 dollars to burn yourself to death

what a deal

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