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Freedom To Choose Clean Blood

2 years ago

Sam and Cole want to ensure their baby Will - who's 4 months old and needs open heart surgery - has un-jabbed blood.

But the government's Blood Bank won't allow them that human right of the freedom to choose what goes in Will's body.

Will needs the operation urgently. The Starship medics are refusing to help the family in their hour of dire need.

They say jabbed blood or no operation for Will.

To support the Savage-Reeves family's ongoing medical costs (plus the huge stress of this situation) please consider donating to:

Name: Samantha Savage
Account Number: 06-0663-0388886-00

Share this video if you can, we need as many people who are aware of this story as possible.

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  • 0/2000
  • The tactics of this government, with vax mandates, was to purge all the good critical thinking doctors and medical staff.

  • These so called doctors are sick bastards. I look forward to the day they are in the dock being tried for crimes against humanity.

  • Have o+ blood type unvaxed would happily donate

  • Maybe they should convert to Jehovahs Witnesses for a couple of weeks. I have seriously considered doing that for myself when I went through some stuff a couple of months ago. Thankfully it didn’t come to that point. But when my last baby was born 9 weeks early I had to have a transfusion, and all I can say is I am so glad it was before all this crap was inflicted on the world. It was the memory of that which made me look into blood alternatives used by the JWs. If they can have their beliefs, why can’t we?

  • They're only doing this because he's a minor and they can override the parents to 'protect' the reputation of the vax. My friend just had bypass surgery and refused any blood unless they could guarantee it was unvaxxed. They didn't argue at all .. drew 2 units of his own 12 hours earlier and gave him the best cardiac surgeon in the house. If they can do that - they can do this. God protect little Will.

  • This family have every right to choose what is best for theor son, how dare they be denied the ability to use their own donor's when it is not a big issue, these Dr's are totally out of order. Not their call.

  • I really feel for these people, I sincerely hope that they get their wishes and are able to protect their son.

  • What is the problem with asking for unvaxed blood! It doesn't put the doctors out ! Do people not get a say anymore? You doctors work for the people!!!?? Did the doctors forget the oath? Sorry, did I miss the details of who we should contact to plead our case? Would be great if someone could put in comments. Kind thoughts and love to the parents of this beautiful child♥️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • The most disturbing thing about this story is that these medical professionals do not appear to be aware of the dangers of blood from the vaccinated. There is absolutely no excuse for that, the evidence is both freely and widely available. #DiedSuddenly #DiedSuddenlyOnRumble #AllCauseMortality

  • Can they get a lawyer

  • my heart breaks for this beautiful family...being a mum of twins and nearly losing one of my son's..im lost for words 😪 im happy to give my blood if they need it...sitting here in tears hearing their family..my heart bleeds for them ❤😪❤

  • My wife is a regular donor of O positive blood. We are going to email NZ blood to let them know our disgust and to plead with them to show compassion.

  • Aucklanders neednto go to starnship and protest. Or ring the hospital and express disapproval.

  • Isnt there a lawyer that can help with urgent court action ,surely, hsppy to help with money

  • I shall get my ProLife church group to say some special prayers for this darling wee boy Will & his amazing family.This is egregious & beyond Evil!! Yes, these Drs are now "empty vessels" of what they should be.They have cast aside the precautionary principle & now practice according to dictates from an evil political machine,nicely oiled by propaganda -as we know ,all mainstream media are parliamentary (WEF) puppets .However, this story may just be the "straw that breaks the camel's back" to WAKE UP all apathetic Kiwis out there to DO SOMETHING to force authorities to respect these parents' wishes & SAVE this wee boy.He should have his whole life ahead of him,he has every right to be given the best start possible.I applaud his devoted parents for having the strength to stand up & request the best possible care for Will,ie doing the right thing. "Dear Lord, You are the ultimate Creator & Healer,please help this family, watch over & protect Will,get him the operation he so desperately needs,with pure blood,in the name of the Father,the Son & the Holy Spirit,Amen."