Mother Cat Beams With Pride After Delivering 5 Healthy Kittens

1 year ago

This rescued cat has worked hard to deliver five healthy kittens. She's understandably proud of herself and she purrs happily as she is praised for her efforts. Her story is as amazing as she is. She was an unwanted kitten herself when she got pregnant. Five to six months old, she was far too young and small to carry a litter of kittens. Her irresponsible owner posted her picture on Facebook, stating that she was going to the shelter unless somebody took her. Cats like this can end up in many horrific situations when they are given away without regard. They can end up as food for reptiles, or in dog fighting rings. Or they can simply end up in another uncaring home where they will suffer from neglect or abuse.

This sweet face caught the attention of Jennifer and Jim who run the Black Dog Farm and Rescue in Texas. She was brought home and shown what a caring family looks like.

Named Diana, after the author of the hit book and movie series, Outlander, she was under 7 pounds and only two weeks away from giving birth. She was malnourished and weak. But Jennifer checked on her every few hours in the last week, making sure that she would have help if she needed it.

Young Diana had a few troubles in the process of delivering the kittens, but Jennifer was there like her midwife, taking care of the things that Diana didn't know how to do, or was simply too weak to do. She performed admirably and she purred contentedly after her babies were born.

Named James Alexander Malcom Fraser (Jamie), Claire Beauchamp Fraser, Jenny Fraser Murray, Dougal Mackenzie, and Roger Mackenzie, this was a beautiful little Outlander family.

Diana became sick with gastrointestinal issues and lost more weight. She had a poor appetite and she struggle to produce enough milk for her babies. Jennifer and Jim tried bottle feeding but the kittens were reluctant. They had to tube feed the tots until they were bigger and stronger. This was an effort that went on every two hours for 3 weeks.

Diana worked hard to care for the kittens as well as she could and miraculously, all five survived. Most of the kittens have found loving, forever homes with families that know how to treat an animal like it deserves. Diana and Jenny are in a wonderful foster home, hoping to find something more permanent soon. All of the adopting families are carefully screened and every one of the Black Dog animals finds the right place with the right people, or they stay at the rescue center longer.

This little sweetie is only eleven months old now and she is still a kitten herself. She plays and acts like a kitten should and she has grown very strong and healthy.

Black Dog Farm and Rescue began with Faline, a black pit bull who brought as much love as she was given. Jennifer and Jim, the creators of Black Dog Farm and Rescue were inspired to do more for the beautiful souls who also need help. They opened their sanctuary in Texas and began doing what seemed impossible. They heal the broken animals and care for the most desperate cases, giving them the chance that they deserve.

Black Dog Farm can be found on Facebook. They do amazing work, which is only possible with the support of friends, family and other animal lovers. Please check out their page and consider helping them do the work that these little creatures so richly deserve.

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