goods n services distract from the existential crisis

2 years ago

the transformation is quite remarkable
being observant is good
and another cop and another cop
they must be talkin about how they don't serve n protect anymore
sometimes our timing truly is impeccable
not judging them personally, more righteous judgment on the act as a whole not the people that get caught in the crossfire
sumin good about law & order i guess
it sucks that people can't just be good
ACTS all day vs america
you can't be a capitalist Christian
why would people want a system that is detrimental to society all so they can buy a buncha crap
they'd all commit suicide if they were truly conscious
actual suicide vs. better mass consumers
i've been working in restaurants since i dropped outta college
i partied the fuck outta college
i've always known who i am (for the most part)
my priest doesn't like that i call myself a prophet, so a premonitionist???
the odds that i'm a prophet are better than not, that's all
fuck rosie so hard
good ole janis
surfer rosa is a really good album
ani difranco is amazing live and i will still defend her to the ends of the earth regardless of her views on abortion
plenty of trinkets to show for my former support of lgbt shit
attracted to women whenever they shut up
are there any lesbians who hate women as much as me
admitting my attraction to women, NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT (that was a past life damnit)
i was too candid about this before and i got accused of hate speech according to yt bots or whatever they are
gays can explain everything cos even tho they can't have it they still try so that desire is still obviously there
now they have even more of a reason to be sexual degenerates
my car doesn't agree w/ that, repulsed by just the idea of sodomy
literally nasty shit
forbidden and transgressive and somewhat dominant so of course they wanna do it
real life is the same way tho
they pretend they like it all cos they get a sticker

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