Will there be a Mega Antichrist?

2 years ago

Here’s the problem if you ever use the name the antichrist

A pretereist pulls up and tell you That’s bad theologogy. The term antichrist is not an individual but defined by scripture means all the people who denies 1 of these three. Denies Jesus is the messiah, denies the father and the son, or denies Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. there are many antichrist, not one Individual. Case closed you are an idiot for not researching the scriptures yourself and just parroting left behind baggage, the verses for the antichrist are in the first & second letters of john

You read the letters of john, & go on shoot the preterist are right, there are many antichrist not one.

But are the preterist right,

2 Thessalonians chap 2.
Paul writes, that the return of jesus can not happen until the man of lawness appears, because when Jesus returns, he has to destroy the man of lawlessness, so jesus can’t return until that man is doing all kinds of false signs & wonders empowered be satan. Which has a second testimony in revelation 19 when Jesus returns he seizes the beast from the sea & throws him into the lake of fire. The idea that upon Jesus’s return he attacks an indivual leader empowered by satan is in two testimonies. 2 Thessalonians chap 2 the man of lawlessness & rev 19 the beast from the sea. I think that this man of lawnesses beast from the sea, empowered by satan to perform false signs & wonders to delude the lost, would fit the bill of the antichrist as well. Even if the antichrist doesn’t fit & has nothing to do with this individual, the preterist is wrong in chastising you for thinking a coming world leader empowered by satan will be on the world stage & seized by a returning jesus. It’s not wrong to look out for such an individual becasue it’s the biggest sign of Jesus’s return. Even the title the antichrist doesn’t fit.

With that said lets relook at
The first letter of john chap 2:18 children it is the last hour, and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrist have appeared,

In that verse john mentions antichrist twice. The second time no doubt it plurals but the first time, It’s not clear it’s plural.

Just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so the first reference of antichrist could be singular not plural. That antichrist is coming sounds like an indivual mega antichrist that has not come yet, but is coming,

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