Why didn’t a good God make a better world?

1 year ago

Video where the question came from


If god is perfect
Why didn’t god make this world as good as the world he will remake?
Quick background
I got into a comments discussion with an atheist, after a little back and forth he presented his big objection to the god of the Bible. I’ll link the video below if you want to read the full comment for yourself, to check if I am misrepresenting his view.

To summarize it, if the new earth that jesus makes if there will be no evil & still free will, why didn’t god make this world already that way.
The person was arguing that they didn’t believe in Jesus because if Jesus will make such a better world in the future, but didn’t already it makes him look like an imperfect designer and thus the ideas of the perfect god of the Bible could be dismissed without further investigation

I admitted to him that he presented a good argument, that i hadn’t heard before. At the time of hearing it, I’m being trained at a new position in work, so that’s where my mind is mostly, What I did first think of was will we have free will in the new earth, how is that we won’t sin for eternity, what’s happens if we do, will we be banished like Adam & eve from the Eden. I don’t know I’ll last one day. Or are we mindless zombies, if we somehow wont’t sin why didn’t god create us all like, that instead of just a few that make it to the end of the narrow road? these arising quesitons were crumbling the idea of the new earth being a real possible paradise.

What stopped the crumbling was, instead of drifting by the winds of maybe god should done it this way or that way grounding myself in, I didn’t create myself, this life is a gift. God offered the free gift of eternal life in a perfected world to whomever believes Jesus Christ paid the price for their sins, on the cross. That is a good deal God left on the table for us. This life however much evil we face or commit, is but a blink of the eyes. We are offered eternal life in perfected world, that perfable world this atheist wanted now, was not forever revoked by God, just temporarily delayed. We were created we had no choice of being alive, we are given the choice to live forever in a perfect world, but we aren’t forced to accept it. I know people and for whatever reason they don’t want to live forever even in a perfect world, God will grant them their wish and they will perish. I now think it’s better are more merciful and loving that God didn’t force us all to live forever or to love the things he loves, or be the good that he is, that it is better that we got to sense of what evil and death is, living in this fallen world, what its like to live outside of the garden, where god’s laws are not forced, where the fruits of the spirit do not always grow, and to make the choice, now knowing the fruits of the flesh where love grows cold, and people are only lovers of themselves, to want to turn from that, and have our faith in the new world to come.

About the new earth first off the tempter will not be there, so already there’s an improvement. As far as not sinning in the new world. Jesus lived a sinless life in this fallen world, and he will transform us to be like him. In the new world, only beings there choose to be there knowing, it would be free of evil. In the new world maybe we will have a limited will, to pick amoung only good options. I am not disappointed that I won;‘T or can’t pick evil anymore, this is good news. I feel bad when I sin, i am not saddened that this will be thing of the past

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