1035 Father Knows Best

1 year ago

In teaching 1035 Father Knows Best by Reverend Nick Catania, we learn that that Father God still knows best. God doesn't make mistakes. God made you the way He wanted you. You don't criticize God or question his motives. God doesn't make mistakes or do things wrong. You don't dispute the work of God's hands. God knows what he's doing. It is ridiculous to argue with God. When the wicked rule, the people mourn. We always pay the price. If you want to get your feelings hurt, read the Bible. Even in churches today there is wickedness today: it's nothing new. Damage control was practiced by the Pharisees in Bible times. Politicians lie and blame somebody else for their failings. For example inflation is blamed on war, but it was around long before the war. Cancel culture is not new either. The man who was born blind had parents who were afraid to be put out of the synagogue. Grave consequences in that day to be put out. Don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers. When you're yoked, you're bound and anchored. You will have to put up with stuff at work with woke theology. Remember that Naaman was told to go in peace by the prophet. You can go in peace at work too and put up with stupid rules and regulations. God knows your heart. Don't let anybody steal the truth from you. Do what you have to do. You've got a choice to be at peace in your mind. Stay your mind on God. Don't get agitated and full of anxiety. Stay your mind on God. Peace is promised. Paul was able to be peaceful in prison. Don't let devil run the show. The more you look at the world the more depressed you are going to get. We all want peace. It's a promise. Fill yourself up with the word and naturally you will preach it. Don't be afraid to speak it. Stay put and peaceful. God will supply your need. If you bite your tongue today, there are consequences for your foes in the judgment.

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