10 months ago

Crusade Prayer (168) For the Gift of God’s Love
September 29, 2014

When you allow My Love to flow through your veins, you will feel complete peace and freedom. This is because you will feel no malice, no anger, no revenge nor grudge against another child of Mine.

This is the Gift of My Love in its most pure form.

Accept it from Me by reciting this prayer.

O Dearest Father, O Eternal One, God the Most High, Make me worthy of Your Love.

Please forgive me for hurting others and for any wrong-doing, which has caused suffering to any of your children. Open my heart so that I can welcome you into my soul, and cleanse me of any hatred I may feel against another person.

Help me to forgive my enemies and to sow the seeds of Your Love everywhere I go and amongst those whom I meet every day.

Give me, Dear Father, the Gifts of Perseverance and Trust, so that I can uphold Your Holy Word and thus keep alive, in a darkened world, the flame of Your Great Love and Mercy. Amen.

View full message here https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/god-the-father-my-love-will-conquer-evil-and-hatred/

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