The Earth as an Organism... Archangel Raphael explains ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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The Earth as an Organism… Archangel Raphael explains…

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN – Volume 7, Chapters 114

Revealed by Jesus Christ thru the inner Word to Jakob Lorber

Introductory Information

The Lord is together with the disciples, Archangel Raphael, and a few hundred people in the inn of Lazarus, situated on the Mount of Olives. Raphael explains various natural phenomena in and around the Dead Sea (see GEJ7-110) and their connection with the organism of the planet…

Chapter 114 – The Earth as an Organism

1. (Raphael:) „You see, the makeup of the Dead Sea, as well as many other similar lakes, is just as wisely structured by the Creator as all other existing things, which I have already shown you and told you about in this regard.

2. You possess a body that is nourished, maintained and kept alive in a natural way by means of food, drink, and a regular intake of fresh air. The nourishing elements are as sparsely present within the food and drinks as they are in the air that is inhaled. You breathe in the air, but you must breathe out almost as much as you had breathed in. Only a small, barely weighable portion is transferred from your lungs to your blood, forming the principal sustenance by which your life is preserved; the rest is exhaled again. You consume various different foods and drinks, but what you eat and drink does not only consist of pure and essential nutrients for your body; it is primarily a carrier for it. Merely an ethereal minimum stays within you as proper nourishment. The remaining substances must, by well known means, be removed from the body.

3. Behold, all of this is essential for humans, animals, and even plants, because otherwise they could not stay alive. However, it is the same case with an entire heavenly body: It requires organs to expel the refuse building up within it onto the surface of its skin. Knowing this, let us now take another look at our dangerous lake: We discover that it is indeed a necessary organ of the Earth, used for expelling the superfluous waste from within. You are certainly familiar with a number of organs of the human body that are comparable to this.

4. The Earth is an organic being, possessing the life of a soul, just like you and any other creature. It breathes, operates, and lives within the infinite space of creation.

5. However, experience must have taught you that the waste of humans, animals and plants can be utilized as manure on the fields, like meadows and vineyards. But I tell you: What the animal waste is on a small scale, the waste of the Earth is on a large and more general scale.

6. The fertile soil of the Earth, as well as the mountains and the oceans, are actually the waste of our World, for all of it came into existence by the inner fire of life of the Earth, but of course since time immemorial. Everything that is brought up to the surface of the Earth, like sulfur, pitch, salt, water and all manner of minerals and metals, serves for the formation of the fertile soil, without which no plant, no tree, and thus no animal or, for that matter, human being could ever exist.

7. Therefore, if the Earth, through its own organs and pores, is still doing today what it always has and had to do for ages, according to the wise arrangement of the eternal and great Creator, it cannot be called evil. Indeed, all is well.

8. Simply because a piece of land or a lake, such as the Dead Sea, is not fit for the natural life of plants, animals and humans, does not mean that it is bad or has evil intentions. Man possesses a brain and the ability to reason, and can therefore avoid locations that are not yet fit for habitation. The Earth has plenty of regions that are fully habitable, and humans can be wholly satisfied with that. The oceans of the World still occupy a much larger surface area than the mainland, and who would say to that: “Behold how unwise God has handled this by not making the largest part of the Earth fertile land, instead of so much useless water! We humans, and surely most land animals and plants as well, would have a satisfactory amount of water with the lakes, streams, rivers, brooks, wells, and the rain and snow.”

9. I say: Yes, that would indeed be possible… if all the lakes, streams, rivers, brooks, wells and the rain and snow could come from some place other than exactly this great and world-spanning ocean. If things were not set up the way they are now, there would be no fresh water on the mainland.

10. I think that I now have rectified your doubts in a quite natural way. If you pay attention, the existence of a true God, His love, goodness, wisdom and might will be completely clear to you, and no phenomenon in the world will ever deter you from your true belief and the correct perception of Him.

11. However, if someone attempts to force another teaching upon you with a certain eloquence, then explain to him everything I have explained to you. If he accepts what you are saying, then consider him someone who seeks the truth, and treat him as a brother. However, if he does not accept the obvious truth, then consider him someone who is lacking light, a gentile and a heretic, for he does not wish to accept the illuminated truth. Avoid him and his company.

12. But there is an important distinction between the one who does not wish to accept the truth, and the one who, due to his spiritual poverty, simply cannot understand it, and therefore will not accept it. The former does not deserve to have more patience expended upon him, as he does not wish to accept the truth simply because of pride and self-conceit, for he wants everything to conform to himself. Be, however, patient with the latter, for he does not lack the necessary will, but merely the comprehension. Should he become more understanding through your patience and love, then he will accept the truth as well.

13. I have explained many things to you now. If you consider what I have told you, then you will find even greater things within yourself, by yourself. Your spirit out of God will show you the depths and heights of the truth. But now ask your heart, if you have understood all that has been said.”

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