Creating a new nation in Western Maine as the United States of America dissolves

1 year ago

In this video, Rev Kev describes the plan for Living a Good Life Church, an oasis for health starting up in Western Maine for the men and women of the West.

We are facilitating the dissolution of the United States by employing peaceful persuasion, cultural secession and non-participation. We will join with other separatist groups who no longer believe their people are part of the American Nation. We hope that one day there will be many new nations on the North American Continent.

Here is our statement:

We believe the United States of America is dissolving because it has become an unsustainable and dysfunctional multicultural empire. It is both morally and financially bankrupt. The American culture has become toxic for our people.

Thus, we favor the creation of new independent nations for the distinct cultural communities that are currently awkwardly trying to coexist as one legal entity. Some of these new nations will be full states. Others will be multiple states or smaller regions within states like ours. These new nations will emerge all across the North American Continent. Our church is one such community that is attempting to build a healthy nation for our people here in Western Maine. We are being proactive in anticipation of the inevitable dissolution of the United States.

We employ peaceful persuasion, non-participation, and the formation of parallel systems and institutions to build new capacities to hasten the demise of the United States. As patriots, we have nostalgia and a profound sense of loss for our former nation, but we believe the country itself has become an unhealthy, foreign infection on all of us and we wish to get away from the toxins.

We are not promoting rebellion, subversion, incitement of violence, or insurrection against the United States of America. We want peaceful separation so that we can lead healthier lives. We join in solidarity with other separatist groups of varying perspectives from across this land that are attempting to build new nations.

We are not Anarchists. We are Nationalists. Thus, as legal citizens of the United States of America we obey all laws and uphold the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Maine. One day we hope there will be many new nations on this land mass that can live peacefully together under new governments. Until then we are dissident citizens of our current country.

Living a Good Life Church:

Living a Good Life Book:

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