3 Stretches For Lower Back Pain You Must Do Correctly

1 year ago

3 Stretches For Lower Back Pain You Must Do Correctly Or You'r Make Your Back Pain Worse!

One of the pillars we talk about in the Back In Shape Program is all about keeping your hips mobile whilst your lower back is more vulnerable. The reason for this is that having the hips stiff and limited in their mobility will mean that your lower back is going to be forced to involve itself more frequently in the movements you carry out on a daily basis. This creates more opportunity for irritation, re-injury and a slow recovery process. With this in mind it's important that we understand that specific stretches can help keep this at bay.

These stretches are common ones you'll see all over the internet but understanding nuanced bits of advice and guidance can really help you make additional tweaks to your technique to improve your effectiveness and reduce chances of trouble arising.

Read More:
👉 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2022/11/3-stretches-for-lower-back-pain-you-must-do-correctly/

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