Need to Know News (18 November 2022) with Joe Olson and Chris Weinert

1 year ago

The President of Ukraine has been doing everything he can to provoke NATO into a war with Russia, including claiming that a missile (fired from Ukraine into Poland) had been fired by Russia (in an effort to invoke Article 5). The effort only reinforced his reputation as an actor, a liar and a fraud--but at the risk of WWIII. Millions are protesting the theft of the election in Brazil, where it would be good if a similar outpouring of protest were to occur in Phoenix. The Brazilian Constitution allows the army to intervene in the case of theft of an election, which it has now begun to do. Kari Lake and Blake Masters are not conceding their purported losses in Arizona, which is appropriate scene evidence of voter fraud and election theft is abundant and compelling. Perhaps no election in the history of the United States has been so blatantly stolen. This effort deserves the support of the American people in every possible way. Christopher Wray confirms the complicity of the FBI in J6 by declining to admit how many of its human sources were there clothed as Trump supporters to manufacture the outcome in order to use it as the basis to attack conservatives and Trump supporters. Piece by piece, it is coming apart. A 1969 Rockefeller Memorandum discloses that the gay agenda and the feminist movement were initiated to reduce the population of the United States--and with considerable effect. While there has been protest against Kevin McCarthy's elevation to Speaker of the House, it has taken place, nonetheless. And there are eleven (11) signs that the economy of the US is collapsing, "The Catch" reports on observations of the theft of the midterms as it was taking place. And 22 LA Sheriff's Recruits were mowed down by a driver, which the Soros-funded DA released him without bail the following day. Disgusting!

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