Why do we self sabotage and how to break this destructive cycle

1 year ago

Self-sabotage is so common in our society that we tend to overlook it. Yet self-sabotage is one of the main causes of stress, depression, and a whole other list of mental health problems, especially for business owners and entrepreneurs. I too used to suffer from self-sabotage myself. So I decided to learn as much as I can, studying psychology and neuroscience, to find out what causes self-sabotage and how we can prevent it from controlling our lives.

In this live training freestyle, I dig deep into all things self-sabotage. I share the lessons I've learned from personal experience and from decades of research into this topic. What I find is a solution far away from that prescribed by the mental health industry. In this video, I give you the answer to your self-sabotage problems.

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