1/3 The joyful Meal of the Lord & The Pharisees' Anger ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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The joyful Meal of the Lord and the Pharisees' Anger

The Great Gospel of John Volume 5 Chapter 92-93 - Revealed by Jesus thru Jakob Lorber

The Pharisees' offense and anger over the joyful meal of the Lord

1. Mark, from a distance, had caught only half of My demand for wine, but already he hurried away into the cellar, like a true innkeeper, and together with both his sons brought several jugs full of the very best grape juice right away. Our beakers were filled to the brim; everyone drank to the wellbeing and prosperity of the new teaching from heaven, and no one could praise, vaunt und bless the quality of the wine enough.

2. Roklus and his companions were sitting at our table as well, though at the part that was newly added, standing right across, and that they were provided with the same wine as all other guests as well, goes without saying; none of us held back from reaching for the beakers, and the good bread was not spared either.

3. However, the fact that I Myself did not hold back either when it came to the wine and bread, was noticed by the table of Pharisees, which was situated right next to ours, at which were sitting the 50 Pharisees together with their spokesman Floran and their leader Stahar from Caesarea Philippi.

4. Stahar remarked to Floran in a booming voice: "Now would you look over there, how this prophet, supposedly filled with the spirit of God, is actually a drunkard and veritable glutton! And it appears He has no qualms with the female sex either, for that particular, charming lass is sitting so very close to Him, almost as close as both of His ears! In comparison, let us consider our moral statutes, proceeding from Moses himself, as well as everything that makes man impure! Should He truly be filled with the Spirit of the Almighty, then, by His deeds, He cannot possibly contradict the same Spirit Moses was filled with!? Hm, hm, this is quite concerning!

5. His teaching and deeds evidently prove that He has been granted greater abilities than any man was ever given, and whoever lives according to His teaching cannot be lost before God; but whoever drinks and eats as He does, will hardly enter Paradise before the Day of Judgment, as was prophesied by Daniel! For it is written: 'Fornicators and drunkards will not enter the Kingdom of God!' What do you think of this, my ever highly esteemed Floran?"

6. Shrugging, Floran says: "The current drinking bout does appear a little strange to me! So strange, in fact, that the whole thing is starting to smell of a hidden devilry of sorts! It hardly seems to have anything to do with divine things! Hm, hm, look over there, He just filled His beaker again! Ah, ah, this is indeed more than somewhat curious! And now a piece of bread right after the drink! Well, well, we will see if He gets properly drunk, and what kind of teaching He will then give to his disciples!"

7. Says Stahar: "Your comment, particularly the thing about the smell of devilry, seemed quite appropriate to me. This entire comedy becomes more strange by the minute! We may have indeed allowed ourselves to be molded into His disciples, but under such circumstances it would be very much in order, in my opinion, to renounce this honour again, for all of this appears to me more and more like a well-calculated illusion of Satan! Daniel does clearly state that, in time, a powerful opponent of God will rise up among the people and perform such signs, which could entice even the chosen angels of God, should He allow it, that is! In the end, could this be the described opponent of God!? Friends, if this is the case, then it would be high time for us to take our leave, otherwise the living Satan will catch us shortly with neck and crop!"

8. The table of 50 Pharisees had entertained such notions and illustrations ever since I emptied My first beaker of wine. But Roklus and his companions took notice of this, and they have had it up to here with the Pharisees anyway.

Chapter 93 - Roklus' stern lecture to the Pharisees

1. Roklus, who had fully convinced himself of My Divinity, could no longer lend a patient ear to this terrible talk; he stood up, equipped with significant courage thanks to the wine, and boomed: "In such most rare company here on Earth, where God, angels, and we, His reasonable creations, camp together as brothers, pigs such as you should have neither table nor place! Though the pigs too are surely creatures of God, only, they do not belong in the company of man! What complete lunacy, what utterly insane gossip! Even a hungry pig's grunt contains more wisdom than such drivel! In short, a Pharisee is and remains the most foolish, most disgusting and, above all, most domineering and malignant thing, particularly a leader such as this, a most miserable scribe of the Jews!

2. These monsters scent the devil everywhere! They believe and even teach that the devils secretly and unceasingly hunt the souls of men on this Earth like hounds, and they consider all men most definitely lost to the devil, should they not be carrying consecrated amulets from the temple with them and fail to renew them at least twice a year; but they completely fail to realize that they themselves are the very worst devils of this world! So they should not be surprised to have the stench of devils waft through their nostrils amongst themselves; for that would suit the devil quite well, to be a true devil incarnate, and yet not feel from time to time that one really is a devil!

3. You there, Raphael, you made a stone disappear earlier, did you not? Would it not be possible for you to make these 50 mangy pigs disappear as well?! Think about it, what these hoodlums dared to say out loud! He, the sole Creator of the wine and bread, is now sinning because He is drinking of said wine and because a most innocent little angel of a girl is sitting at His side! Ah, allow me, who has recognized the Lord; as long as I am here, this cannot stand! They must begone! They have heard and seen so much, and yet they are saying out loud: 'It could be that this is all an illusion of Satan!' My friend from heaven, I may be only of this Earth, but I cannot put up with this for the life of me, that such pigs should sully the Holiest of all holiness so disgracefully with their filthiest and most wretched drivel! Away with them!"

4. Only now did the Pharisees become aware of Roklus' outburst, and their leader Stahar arose and asked Roklus with a stern look on his face: "Friend Roklus, are your words directed at us by any chance?"

5. Says Roklus: "Who else? You are the black brood of Satan, and as such you cannot bear the light! How dare you sully the Lord and Master of eternity with your loathsome drivel, Him who has already delivered you so much extraordinary proof, with both word and deed?! How is it you do not fear the very surface of the Earth potentially taking revenge upon you?! Who can He be who calls out to the mountain in the sea: 'Vanish and become naught!', and the mountain disappears in an instant?! Can a devil, as perceived by you, ever preach humility and the highest love for God and one's neighbour?! Oh, you egrigious oxen and donkeys, how terribly barren and deranged must your brains be that you do not realize this: A devil, should it ever have existed the way you assume it has, must indeed be the most powerless and, as such, most pitiful being when compared to the Lord God, to the extent it has distanced itself from His perfect order!

6. However if, according to the wisest and truest Word of the Lord, all might and strength exists solely within the love for the Lord God, then what might and strength does your Beelzebub possess in his ignominious nature, he who bears nothing but the most abject hatred for God? Even if we humans are weak and powerless beings in our lack of proper recognition and true and exclusive love for God, how much more so must your devils be, who should know God very well, but hate Him nonetheless above all to us comprehensible measure! Now, how this is possible, that a being, clearly recognizing God, nonetheless hates Him above all else - truly, in order to understand and digest this, the porcine stomach of a Pharisee is required! Such a stomach certainly does not consume the flesh of any other pig, but the reason therefore appears to lie naturally in the fact that no pig feasts on its own kind!

7. I now love the Lord God more than anything else in the world, though I have only somewhat recognized Him as of yet. But I feel how my love for the Almighty is consistently growing in tandem with my ever increasing awareness, and I sense it most vividly within me, how my willpower is growing ever stronger as well. As I now stand here, I will take on a thousand legions of Pharisaic devils! Even all of them together will not move me an inch from this spot, and you hoodlums claim that this Holy of the Holiest of God is performing His works with the help of your imagined devils!? Oh, you hopeless pack of scoundrels, I will scatter your 'almighty' devils to the winds! It is quite fitting that these fellows finally got in my way!"

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