Cost/Benefit Analysis (Due: The Math)

1 year ago


One study first published in February 2022, in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine had noted that "Veterans who were non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan natives, younger, living in rural areas, male, and unmarried; had U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health insurance only; had fewer chronic conditions; did not receive the seasonal influenza vaccine; and were not living in community living centers or nursing homes were less likely to get vaccinated." Or, off grid, not likely to have volunteered for the free "vaccine".

One study had reviewed, from among a total population of 25,000 veterans in Ann Arbor, between December 2020 and April 2021, only a total of 20 veterans who even got infected by COVID-19, only ten of whom were hospitalized and fully vaccinated, breakthrough infections even before the outbreak in Provincetown in July 2021, and finding one fully vaccinated veteran dying, in a sample that included a total of nine White veterans, and one Negro, but according to other medical reports, again, from amongst veterans upon whom the government has extensive data, while surviving hospitalization, they were at severely high risk of later dying, within a year, from cardiac failure, which would probably not be listed as COVID-19 or a result of being vaccinated, although a recent FOIA request has been submitted to CDC to determine if that has even been examined.

Limitations in clinical studies is just as important, or even more important than the fears that were created amongst the general public, regarding the number of infections that may not have been reported because persons were not tested. And, CDC even admits that its VAERS was a limited attempt to collect data on adverse events, which was entirely provided on a volunteer basis by amateurs, perhaps in grief and trauma, who were required to locate the website, print out the card, and then send the card to CDC to input into the database, necessarily making the adverse data on the "vaccines" very limited, almost in willful blindness.

During efficacy and safety testing for the emergency use authorization, pregnant women, persons with allergies, and other factors known to usually present problems in clinical trials were excluded from participation in the trials, to obtain a more favorable report, loading the dice for a favorable outcome.

The general public was never made aware that there is a big difference between efficacy and effectiveness, and an effectiveness test requires knowledge of infectious dose for COVID-19, which, even today, remains unknown, undermining the approval of the Pfizer product by the FDA in August 2021 in and of itself.

Even Superintendent and Columbia trained Dr. Francisco Duran, with a doctorate in education, was wholly unaware, when he sponsored a three-day event to vaccinate at least a thousand employees in the Arlington Public Schools, that the safety test under the emergency use authorization basically amounts to the probability that the product will not kill you immediately, and there is no need to wince, because that has actually been tested, but for the FDA approval test, the standard is a little higher, and if you are one of the over 80% of persons who volunteered for the vaccine, you are essentially participants in the clinical trial to determine if these products will kill others, like the dummies that test cars in the collision test. And, educated and informed, it must be assumed that you knew this.

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