The last exercise ruins me!🔥⚠️😅

2 years ago

INTENSE Weighted Vest Workout!
(Don’t have a vest? You can do this with your bodyweight / no equipment too!)

1 minute each exercise
🔥Alternate reverse lunge
🔥Butterfly sit-up
🔥Run (if not timed, then aim for 200-300m)
💨1 Minute rest
✅X 3-6 rounds for 18-30 minute workout - There Are No Excuses - launches with their first event on 15.11.22 if you want to get involved in an epic workout experience like this!

Let’s get it team!

Let NOTHING stand in the way of you and your dreams!

#fitness #workout #weightedvest #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation #fitspiration #strength #homeworkouts #bodyweight #crockfitcommunity

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