Peak of Eloquence Nahjul Balagha By Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib - English Translation - Sermon 115

1 year ago

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About Troubles Which Will Arise and the Day of Judgement :

Allah deputed him (the Prophet [h]) as a caller towards Truth and a witness over the creatures. The Prophet (h) conveyed the messages
of Allah without being lazy and without any short-coming and he fought His enemies in the cause of Allah without being languid and without pleading excuses. He is the foremost of all who practice piety and the power of perception of all those who achieve guidance.

Part of the same Sermon, Complaining about His Men:

If you know what I know of the unknown that is kept wrapped up from you certainly you will have gone out into the open weeping over your deeds and beating yourselves in grief. You will have abandoned your properties without any guard for it or any substitute over it. Everyone will then have cared for his own self without paying attention to anyone else. But you have forgotten what was recalled to you and felt safe from what


you had been warned. Consequently, your ideas went astray and your affairs were dispersed.

I do wish that Allah may cause separation between you and me and give me those who have a better knowledge of what is right than you to be with me. By Allah! Such are people of blissful ideas, enduring wisdom and true speech. They keep aloof from rebellion. They trod forward on the path (of Allah) and ran on the high road. Consequently, they achieved the everlasting next life and honors of ease.

Beware! By Allah! A tall lad of a swinging gait from Banu Thaqif will be placed over you. He will eat away your vegetation and melt your fat. So, O Aba Wadhahah, is that all?

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