Dr Ed Group discusses the secrets of SYNTHETIC PARASITES and what works to eliminate them

1 year ago

Source: The Health Ranger channel (Mike Adams)

Dr Edward Group website

Dr Edward Groups YT channel

Notes: This is the great awakening that we are going through right now. Peoples vibrations and energy are getting higher and higher as we lean towards the age of enlightenment and people will change as they go through the pain, trauma, and suffering. The people who will go through the most pain are those who vibrate at a lower level (Close minded/CNN watchers/Can't see what is happening etc..). Parents children dying from the bioweapon shot is trauma.

Dr Group says pretty much everybody he knows has lost someone in their family due to the KILLSHOT. Dr Group says the last show he did with Alex Jones was on May 2018 where he came on the show and laid out the EXACT PLAN of what was going to happen with the nanoparticles, Fake Pandemic, transhumanism, nanobots injected into people and all the information was already there but just needed to dig deeper into it. After that May 2018 show, Dr Group received death threats and so did his employees at his office receive death threats and he knew he must be right on target and that was the last time he was on the Alex Jones show. Once COVID began, Alex released that episode again in April 2020.

Military & DARPA are involved and they are doing 6G upgrades to some of these towers. It literally is a depopulation agenda and they are ramping it up faster and faster because people are waking up to it now. SYNTHETIC PARASITES are a whole new aspect of warfare. It started as Dr Group being one of the 27 doctors chosen for President Trumps team for the COVID task force to evaluate all the frontline doctors and they (him and the 26 other doctors) were calling the Whitehouse and telling them to use IODINE, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINN, IVERMECTIN, etc... but it wasn't going anywhere. It is NOT a vaccine, it is a BIOWEAPON. They were looking at the HYDROGEL technology and the LUCIFERASE but didn't know about the Graphene Oxide back then (2020). Dr Group recalls their last meeting on ZOOM CALL where the 27 doctors basically agreed that "no one who takes this shot will be alive in 2-5 years from their first shot!". They also talked about the 5G affect as well!

Dr Group put a detailed 5G video on youtube about how all this stuff works.

These 5G frequencies can do so many things in regards to activating the nanoparticles or AI inside the vaccinated people. The 5G frequency can guide these nanobots to different organ systems. PARASITES are the #1 root cause of all disease and conditions. Raymond Rife's research, Hulda Clark's research has associated PARASITES with every condition. A Parasite is any harmful organism that creates damage or harm to the host. Now we are dealing with AI Nano transhumanism synthetically produced parasites. It is an AI self replicating bioweapon creates more of the living biological parasites. Dr Group says he is right in tune with Dr Bryan Ardis's work as well. These nanobots inside the body are Artificially Intelligent (and self replicating) and the level of sophistication of these nanobots are right in line with the transhumanist agenda. They are activated by LED lights (Get rid of your LED lights!).

Geo-Engineering (chemtrails) blocking out the beneficial rays of the sun. They are trying to get this AI nanobots into everybody (Geoengineering, Food, shedding, etc...). PINENEEDLE TEA, IVERMECTIN, QUERCITIN, ZINC, VITAMIN D, IODINE can slow down or kill the spike protein.

This VAX/BIOWEAPON will go and completely recode your DNA. So how do we disable an AI based bioweapon? It has a HYDROGEL technology and is based off of carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide. The C60 (Carbon 60/1 Fullerene molecule that has 60 carbon atoms bonded to it) is the only thing they have found to get rid of the Graphene Oxide. (Dr Tom Bailey who is the leading expert on Graphene Oxide). Under a microscope GRAPHENE OXIDE looks almost like broken glass. C60 bonds to Graphene Oxide and then brings it out of the body. mRNA technology is horrible where if you put it in the sun it dies. It is very UNSTABLE. C60 is also the most powerful absorber of ELECTOMAGNETIC frequencies and radiation. The C60 available on the market has only 1 molecule of C60 (Most doses are 1 mg of C60). Get the SUPERCHARGED C60 (Contains 10 million molecules of C60- Carbon nano onions). Supercharged C60 will bond to the Graphene Oxide Particles (So disabling the AI).

Gets rid of radiation and IODINE (Nascent Iodine) is one of the best for that too. It is TRANSHUMANISM. They want you HALF BIOLOGICAL MAN and HALF CONTROLLABLE MACHINE

UROTHERAPY or URINE THERAPY😲: A 5,000 year history. Practiced in India forever. During COVID they were using URINE THERAPY and people were getting better in 48 hours. Our own URINE is the perfect medicine (Book "Your own perfect medicine" by Martha Christy. 100% science based book on urotherapy).

Your body makes the ANTI-VENOM from a poisonous snake bite within 15 minutes of the bite so you drink your own urine for the antidote. Answer to blood clotting from the bioweapon is urotherapy.

Quantum Dot in the AI bioweapon are in the Quantum Field. Field of LIGHT or SOUND. Dr Ed Group says they have the only QUANTUM VIBRATIONAL TESTING LABRATORY in the world right now.

The biggest darkest lie of the Medical Field has been letting everyone know they already have everything they need to heal themselves from inside their own body. We are taught that urine is a waste product. It gets DETOXIFIED through your liver. Why wouldn't God create the most PERFECT LABRATORY inside of your system for you to come out, that has the most perfect balance of everything you need every single day to heal or rebalance everything. Drink your first morning urine 😲(Highest concentration of stem cells). The Golden Nectare is your own URINE!

Urotherapy is very common around the world except in the USA (Or any Western Country). If you are totally grossed out as we have been brainwashed to think your urine is waste then put some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in it. LOOPING is where people consume all of their urine throughout the day. It is the most powerful anti-aging known to man. Anti-cancer, nice skin, grow your hair back then just pee on your hand and rub it on your face in the morning🤪. At least KNOWING the truth about our own urine as a healing agent is key just in case they put you in a quarantine camp and forcefully inject you with another poison and you have nothing to heal yourself with.

There is a SOLUTION for every situation so no need to be in FEAR.

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