(May 4th 2018) Dr Group accurately predicts the nanotech bioweapon in future "vaccine" & 5G!

2 years ago

I heard Dr Ed Group in a recent interview where he recalled this May 4th 2018 interview with Alex Jones where he laid out the whole Globalist 5G agenda along with nanotech to be put in our bodies through a future mandatory "vaccine" and he said a couple days afterwards he received death threats against him & his employees at his office so he contacted Alex a couple days later to tell him he can no longer come back on his show anymore. So I thought I would repost that 2018 interview here along with his recent Mike Adams interview. Alex reposted this May 4th 2018 at the beginning of covid19 around April 2020.

Notes: AI Technology & DARPA. This is the information they hoped would never get out. All the streetlighting is going to be retrofitted with LED Lighting which gives off EMF's. Company ARTEMIS putting in a lot of the 5G towers and their logo is an inverted uterus which has meaning to THEM. Unlimited mind control through Electromagnetic radiation and no more independent thinking where they want a HIVE MIND (Cyborgs) and why they want everyone in their SMART CITIES. They have been marketing 5G as faster internet and better like it is a good thing. Dr Group mentions leading 5G expert and PHD scientist Joe Imbriano (The Fullerton Informer).

WiGig at 60Ghz and the molecules it affects are WATER, OXYGEN, CO2, & OZONE. At 60ghz THEY can control your oxygen absorption in the body along with the electrons of the water inside your body. It is all part of becoming a HYBRID HUMAN CYBORG.

Dr Allan Frey of the office of Naval research injected METHYLENE BLUE into rats where it never crossed the blood brain barrier until he exposed them to even low range pulsed EMF radiation on the rats and all of a sudden the methylene blue went into the brains of the rats. That means they can transport nanoparticle metals into the brain by using EMF frequency (Cell phones, WI-FI routers, cell towers) so access to the brain and they can then target the WATER, and the OXYGEN inside of people. Spraying us with chemtrails and putting it in our food. Birds and Insects are dying off everywhere and trees are being affected by the 5G radiation. And now you see AGENDA 21.

After WW2 they put sodium fluoride in the water to make the population docile/submissive and now they can transmit frequencies through the PINEAL GLAND. They have found a crystal in the pineal gland and they know your spirituality level by just examining your pineal gland crystal (Autopsy on monks). So by increasing the HALOGENS like Bromine, Chlorine, the Fluorides into the water supply it creates a calcification of the pineal gland so it doesn't operate effectively (IODINE is the good halogen that you want!). The pineal gland also creates melatonin which helps gene sequencing and heals your DNA in the body.

Dr Group says he believes (May 2018) that their PLAN is to introduce and control a biological weapon and then FORCE VACCINATE the whole population. Inside the so called "vaccine" will contain the NANOPARTICLES and CHIPS to cross the blood brain-barrier and now we know the electromagnetic fields because of the studies (Allan Frey/methylene blue/rats) where it opened up the blood brain barrier and made the gut line permeable.

Dr Group believes they have to tell us what they are doing as some sort of KARMIC DEBT so they are not responsible when people do things on their own free will (Like accepting an EXPERIMENTAL mRNA nanoparticle injection no questions asked!).

Some of the screenshots from this infowars interview:




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