right on the $ cos it's all about $

1 year ago

how in the mf did i live w/out Jesus Christ
running around in circles w/out JC$
no i don't brush my harr
you shouldn't rely on anyone to MAKE you happy
stop focusing on happiness
brad is the younger male version of me
genZ is aware of how psychologically stupid america is
lower-functioning schizos can't take care of themselves due to this country not fostering a diy approach
had to take it easy with pot
i know soooo much about cannabis
how do you do sumin every day and not even know what it is
do you not know what the fast lane is for
they are handicapped amy don't get mad
sari, pothead moment w/out the pot
feelings and thoughts
never talk to the sheep about this kinda stuff
if they're in favor of going to college...
that list will be coming soon...
so blessed to have people in my life supportive and understanding of my "condition"
medication is throwing the responsibility onto somebody else
you can say that we shoulda been aborted (illegitimate child)
much higher chance that i woulda been aborted
this is precisely why schizos smoke so much pot
controlling population=spiritual $
fallen angels ker ching ker ching
who's calling...

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