2 years ago

Video cut off just a second too early, because my phone ran out of memory. F@$K IT, NO RETAKES.
After a hectic few weeks, overcoming a brief dip in my energy and performance, I am feeling back to my old self again. More importantly however, I wanted to briefly state what the ethod behind this channel is. This is meant to be a means to follow me, a non genetically gifted, unspecial dude on his quest for STRENGTH. No bells, whistles, gimmicks, flashiness, etc.; just hard work, and dedication. On top of that, I want this channel to be a way to INSPIRE people to also improve themselves, whether it be in strength training, or just life in general. Allow my videos to be a source of fuel for your ambitions, and to catalyze your own endeavors! GET AFTER IT! YOU CAN DO IT! 🤘🏻

Song: "Winter Madness" - Wintersun

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