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15 seconds

Cognitive Dissidents

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Peter Duke os joined by George Webb and Addy Adds to discuss the news on election day, 2022


  • 0/2000
  • RMPJ 2 years ago Pinned

    I remember on election night 2020 during the watch party when it appeared Trump had won again, George mentioned such, and Peter stated something like well don't be surprised if you wake up and see it's then gone the opposite, as these people are the scum of the earth . . . and that's exactly what happened.

  • Hey.. Have you been dinged off YouTube?

  • Peter your audio is low or George's is high... 🤷🏻‍♂️

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  • Trump's failure was he had advisers from the tribe

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  • Peter mentioned this, by Yaacov Apelbaum: The 2000 Mules from Outer Space https://www.yaacovapelbaum.com/2022/05/03/the-2000-mules-from-outer-space/ Intro: "I hate to be a killjoy, but D’Souza’s 2000 Mules is just another targeted disinformation operation. Allowing for the remote possibility that D’Souza and his friends were conned into producing this sci-fi B film by True The Vote (TTV), and that they are not an active participant, I’ll cut them some slack; the same doesn’t apply to his two TTV collaborators, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips."

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