Sales Funnels and Email List Building Demystified and Simplified

1 year ago

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I’ve been working with websites and sales funnels for the longest time. I’ve always known the very best way to grow absolutely any business is to grow an email subscriber list.

Take real estate agents for example, if you had an email list of active buyers and subscribers, you would quickly sell your listings and be able to move onto your next listing. Besides, I bet letting your prospective seller know you have a database of buyers would help you win more listing presentations.

Take any big retail chain for example. The next time you purchase a shirt, notice they might ask for your email address. This is their offline method for taking their marketing online so that they can email you their promotions, special discounts, or in store events. Nurturing that ever growing email list ensures their revenue goes up.

And as a small business owner, you can do the very same with your sales funnel and email list building.

But here’s the issue. When you start out, one, there are so many integrations and pieces of software you have to connect, setup and configure together.

On top of this, when I started off, I didn’t understand exactly what was happening throughout the sequence. When does the email get added? What does a thank you page even mean? How does my promised deliverable get delivered? And how does my email campaign start and go to the right subset of my audience?

All of these questions confused the heck out of me, and I’d bet confused the heck out of you. Sound familiar?

Not only were you trying to create your flow and all your creative assets, you were trying to figure out all of the tech. And when you finally figured it out, one of the links in the chain broke, collapsing the entire thing.

In this video, I discuss one piece of software that makes the entire process simple and seamless, avoiding any doubt or need for testing out your sequence or going to bed praying that your sales funnel software actually builds your email list of subscribers.

Check out for your free trial.

Keep building. Enjoy your life.

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