Jesus – Religion does not work (The new cloth and the old garment Mark 2:21-22, Matthew 9:16-17)

1 year ago

Jesus – Religion does not work (The new cloth and the old garment Mark 2:21-22, Matthew 9:16-17)
I work in the mining industry, and I have to say that a good maintenance person is worth their weight in gold, but the problem is they are few and far in between. You have some who can fix anything, and you know when they finish a job it is not going to give you further problems, then you have those who can make stuff run but they never fix the problem. We call these individuals cobblers; they just cobble something together to make it run temporarily but they never fix the main problem. With this type of maintenance individual, you are constantly chasing problem after problem because they just gave you a patch job instead of fixing the problem. They tore down the spider web but did not kill the spider, so it just keeps showing up building a new web every day that you must deal with. This is the way that religion works in our lives, it patches problems but never really fixes anything but allows us to feel good about ourselves. We spend all our time dusting away the spider webs but do not realize that the spider causing the problems is still alive and well, with in us.
Religion is mankind’s way of trying to reconcile with God, but it is the complete ignoring of the way God created for reconciliation to occur. Deep down we all know that there is a higher power and we long and yearn to have a relationship with that power, so we create ways to be close to it. The problem is that there is only one way to connect with God and that is through His Son Jesus Christ. The only way that the division between man and God could be closed is for someone to pay the price for the sins of mankind. Religion says that we can earn our salvation or offset our sins with good deeds, but God says there is no way to redeem ourselves, therefore Jesus had to do it for us. He stepped down from a heavenly thrown and shed is Holy blood on our behalf so that we could be reconciled to God and have eternal life. All we must do is accept this sacrifice and make Jesus the Lord of lives by adhering to His teachings and commandments. Religion says that we can earn our way to God, but God say you cannot do it, so I had to do it for you.

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