Taking Back Your Identity in Christ by Dr Michael H Yeager

1 year ago

As born-again people we sing a new song, we have a new mouth, new friends, new minds, new hearts, new spirits, new vocabulary, new personalities, new character, new mindsets, new thought patterns, new life, new freedom, new world. But to enjoy this newness, the old must be crucified, mortified, and sacrificed. We must die to the old man in order to experience the new.

“The living God who is daily chastening us by HIS WORD is constantly purging us after His will that there may be no spot or wrinkle in us. The Lord has designed the plan and is working out His Divine mind. He will take every believer that has caught this VISION and will transform them into HIS IMAGE & LIKENESS until they lose their OLD IDENTITY, and WALK in their NEW IDENTITY, which is ONLY Discovered in Jesus Christ!

"It is the living Christ in us, the divine likeness to God. It is the expressed image of Jesus. It is the Word of God that is the only factor that works within us to bring forth this glorious identification with Christ. It is the Word dwelling in our hearts, by faith."

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