Windermere Oaks POA Open Meeting

1 year ago

11/3 The WOPOA board of directors filled the vacancy with the most polarizing person in our community and they did NOT properly notice the meeting. There was no way to know they were filling the vacancy.

Texas Property Code
Open Board Meetings
Sec. 209.0051
Subsection (c)
"Regular and special board meetings must be open to owners, subject to the right of the board to adjourn a board meeting and reconvene in closed executive session..."

This was an open/public meeting as required by the property code.

Open meetings in TX are not subject to privacy interests and can be recorded by the invited public attending said open meeting.

Texas is a one party notice/consent state for recordings. The person doing the recording consents. If this were a true telephonic conf call they would have no claim. The fact this was a video conf call does not change the analysis.

The HOA/POA board cannot simply declare an entire meeting as private/not open in direct violation of the Property Code. Such a declaration is void as a matter of law.

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