UFO Researcher Bruce Swartz (Bruce Sees All) Lies, Contradiction And Abuse He Needs Anger Management BruceSeesAll
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Bruce Sees All Called Out By The Worlds Top UFOlogists Ron Schmidt John Leer - Faking Moon Base Images

2 years ago

Bruce Sees All (Bruce Swartz) Called Out By The Worlds Top UFOlogists Ron Schmidt, John Leer and the UFO community faking Moon Base Images and he didn't like it. Many times he has told lies in regards to what happened between himself and John Leer, but the truth of the matter is, Bruce Sees All, Bruce Swartz was caught outright faking moon base images and the images could not hold up to scrutiny. ..Swartz and his sidekick little Miss Lacombe conspire to defraud and troll YouTubers. The Bruce Sees All channel run by Bruce Swartz defrauds the YouTube system by buying Subscribers, View and comments for each of his video uploads, (100 Subscibers per week approx and 1000 views per video on average). In the past the YouTube system has removed some of his fake Susbcribers (which get reloaded by the 3rd party he buys them from) and views which he claims to his followers that these are trolls unsubscribing, which he states only to cover his fraudulant tracks....Since being called out recently here on Rumble, he removed his only video and then claimed to his community, that his Rumble account was hacked. This is untrue, he was never hacked. He is a Compulsive liar. He will only use the YouTube platform, as it is the only place he can manipulate the system buy buying fake susbscribers, views and comments and he only has around 300 real time followers out of the 91,000 odd fake Subscribers. He thinks he wiill get the YouTube Play plaque when he reaches 100,000, well he will not, as YouTube have removed fake views and Subscribers in the past. The only way he will get a 100,000 Subscriber Plaque, will be to buy a fake one from eBay.

The following is an email received from an ex co-worker with Bruce when he was a Bus driver. Seems the rumours were true all along...

Email From: Greg (Surname Redacted)
To: (Name Redacted)
Well, I must say it was a surprise to receive your hand written letter last week. When my friend Jordan said someone was in contact with him from Australia and wanted to reach out to me here in Canada, we both initially thought it was a joke or a scam, hence being a little evasive with my mailing address.

I will start this off by saying "Oh my." That is a name we have not heard of in years. My Wife and I squirmed when we read his name and checked the link you supplied to verify this is in fact the same person, Bruce Swartz.

I worked as a Bus driver for (Company Name Redacted) between 2007 - 2017. I retired mid 2017. My wife Jackie also worked for them between 2009 - 2016 but not as a driver. She was office based. I knew the owners well. It started off as a small family business. The company dealt with transporting Hospital transport, School Children, people with Learning Disabilities, special events and had a fleet of Buses to service many contracts in the local area.

We both cannot remember exactly when Bruce Swartz joined (Name Redacted) but he was only with the company a short time compared to my Wife and I, before he was sacked or had to resign (pretty sure he was sacked) due to abuse allegations around 2013-2014. My Wife vaguely remembers the name, Darlene Lacombe, which she is thinks is a relation or a close friend to Bruce. She remembers something about Painting or being a failed Artist. Bruce was a moody individual and rumor's floated about he was taking Drugs. There were several allegations made against him by several Children's parents and complaints from the local Hospital. We do not know the exact details of all the allegations made against Bruce, however my Wife and I do know the allegations were categorized as abuse. We cannot remember if the RCMP were involved or not, but the allegations were serious enough for Bruce to be sacked or for him to resign.

Best wishes,
Greg & Julie.

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