yours truly was wrong again (about the no.6)...currently reading Numbers

1 year ago

i used to be sooooo sensitive
everything used to tear me apart
i might as well be made outta metal
toilet paper to create the bone sticking out effect
you dunno what's real, God is real
do do do do do do do i fucked up
don't let em take yer faith
they already take yer $ don't let em take yer integrity
way happier people are not concerned w/ social status
i read ACTS so the egalitarian society is what we are supposed to do as Christians
all you know how to do is point out how other people are wrong
you never look at you
are you sure, amay?
5min after i make some grandiose declaration
revelations all too common for you
satan fucks w/ me a lot
he can only sow confusion, cos there's no truth in Him
remember God loves you, ask Him to help you do what you need to do
Proverbs, babies
numbers is very long, obviously
the 4th book of the Bible really explains the way of the world
*actually i was wrong about this...the number 6 is all over the Old Testament, it's just not in sequence...this is specifically why Numbers is so important

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