Election Day Director's Cut

2 years ago


The first pandemic incident homicide case in history has been certified to the Virginia State Supreme Court to nominate a judge for a grand jury request, the town of Ithaca court has acknowledged receipt of an accusatory document to consider wrongful conduct during an outbreak of infections on the campus of Cornell University, a police complaint has been filed in Provincetown regarding the breakthrough infections outbreak in July 2021, and now even Jimmy Kimmel, who had not told one joke while a complaint languished since April 2022 at the federal district court in Richmond has finally moved forward for the United States Marshal to serve the complaint on all defendants, and four cases regarding the pandemic and the government response thereto are pending for the new term at the U.S. Supreme Court, without even one mention in the press.

And, now, on appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals for DC another action, regarding an intriguing job offer to a former biological warfare planner in a job in an expired mission for which the "applicant" had never applied in 2015, awaits disposition, and you still believe there was a zoonotic evolution, and are probably fully vaccinated and boosted and are convinced of the impervious qualities of one-ply cotton against microbial penetration.

Everyone has a right to their opinion, right?

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