Riverdale, NJ BOE - Why you should Vote #3 Lisa Ferrara

2 years ago

I am speaking in my capacity as a private citizen, and not in my capacity as a board member. These statements are also not representative of the board or its individual members.

Please join Facebook Group - Riverdale Education Awareness (REA) for more information. For more videos you can search lsferrara8 on Rumble. God Bless.

Riverdale, NJ BOE - Why you should Vote #3 Lisa Ferrara https://rumble.com/v1r43vo-riverdale-nj-boe-why-you-should-vote-3-lisa-ferrara.html

Hi, I’m Lisa Ferrara and I’m running for Riverdale BOE. I’m making this video so you can get to know me and why I’m here. I’ve lived in Riverdale 18 years. I love God, my family/friends and my town. I graduated from Kutztown with an Accounting degree. I started out in Governmental accounting Auditing School Boards and Municipalities. I worked mostly in Public Accounting prior to becoming a stay at home mom of 3 beautiful girls, one in elementary, middle high school. I’m very involved with my children and the community. I’ve been a class mom many times, organized many teachers’ gifts, been volunteering with the PLRSA for many years coaching rec and travel soccer. I helped run PLRSA the soccer social this past year and I’m a mentor for the Middle School youth group in my church.
I wasn’t always active in knowing what my children were being taught, but when 2021 came about with new controversial standards adopted by the State and being implemented by the schools, I jumped in. I believe in your rights as a parent and I believe in fighting for the best interest of our children, while keeping YOUR rights always on top. It is my hope to ensure an environment of safety in our school as it relates to curriculum and the implementation of harmful ideology and inappropriate content, as it relates to food and water resources in our schools and a feeling of security as these precious children are entrusted daily into the hands of Administrators and staff.
I’ve been at almost every school Board Meeting in the past year and a half and I started taping meetings 9/2021 to get the community more involved. I put a lot of time and effort into educating myself on what’s on the Agenda at each meeting and trying to keep up with the new policies, sometimes going from 2 pages to 10 or 20 pages.
I started a Facebook group to keep people talking and involved with Riverdale’s Education.
I raised awareness when I thought our Public Comments on the ARP ESSER would matter and might have an impact on getting our schools back to normal.
Last year, I was able to put a halt to resources that were intended to go out to students through videos being shown. I was also able to get the parents a little bit more time to preview the videos before their children. I sat with the Principal and reviewed links included with the video package that was provided to the school. A website may look pretty on the cover, but looks can be deceiving and in these times more than ever, very inappropriate.
I raised awareness to the Transgender policy which cuts a parent out of the picture.
I raised awareness for the $18mill Proposed Referendum for renovating the school that affects the whole town and I’ll make sure you know when to vote in March 2023.
Together, we created a petition with 123 signatures to oppose the 2020 Comprehensive Health Curriculum.
If you watched the “Meet The Candidates,” you saw my heart and my intentions. You saw that while I am opposed to inappropriate books in our school and in our school and our school ibrary, some of the other candidates think differently. A parent is not IN the school with the ability to tell a child that the book their child picked up is not appropriate for them.
Health Curriculum - Only 1 person on the school board voted NO to the Health Curriculum. You saw that if I was to vote on the Health Curriculum, I would’ve been a NO and fought for a more creative way to go about this without putting our children in harm’s way.
The children are our future world. I promise to stay true to my values all the while investing my time so that our children will not survive, but thrive. Our kids deserve the best education and they are the most important stakeholders. Coming out of Riverdale School with a sense of community, independence, responsibility, compassion, morality, wisdom and respect for all walks of life is the key goal. We are all different in our own ways and we all bring something to the table.
I want to work with you and for you and bring transparency & cohesiveness to the Administration, Board, Staff, Parents, Students and Community. But after you vote, don’t forget, I still need you to show up whenever you can., whether you’re a parent, grandparent or a resident. You are all welcome. We are all part of this community. We’re better together.
For more information you can find me on Rumble.com at lsferrara8. I’m happy to say I’m endorsed by Moms for Liberty- Morris County. Vote for me on 11/8 if you’re ready for change.

Riverdale, NJ Meet the Candidates 10/19/22 (2 Parts)

PANEL ORDER- Moderator Jill Morano, Jessican Rentas, Anne Marie Nadiroglu, Kathleen (Katie) Miceli, Lisa Ferrara

1. Anne Marie Nadiroglu 2. Kathleen (Katie) Miceli 3. Lisa Ferrara 4. Jessica Rentas

Part 1 - https://rumble.com/v1otqj8-riverdale-nj-meet-the-candidates-101922-part1.html 1 minute - Opening Speeches, 11 min - What is the Biggest concern facing our district?, 17 min - How can the Board be accessible to the community & provide transparency while providing confidentiality?, 24:30 - What is the role of schools in teaching children sex ed, cyber safety, health & wellness and bullying, 34 - How does the School Board balance the need to provide education with the need to respond to local taxpayer burden? and What are your thoughts on the $18 mil referendum to renovate the school?
Part 2 - https://rumble.com/v1ou06q-riverdale-nj-meet-the-candidates-101922-part2.html 6:50 min - What is the definition of equality? How is our school handling student equality and inclusion? What can be done different? 14:30 min - How would you respond to a parent who want the Board to remove books from the school library or classroom? 22 min - What are your personal attributes that would make us want to vote for you?

Riverdale Health Curriculum 10/27/22 - a 30-minute presentation on the scope, sequence, and two specific lessons (Gender Identity and Sexting)
Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1qih5n-riverdale-health-curriculum-102722-1-of-2.html I lost video for a few minutes.
Part 2 https://rumble.com/v1qir0d-riverdale-health-curriculum-102722-2-of-2.html
1 min- Gender, Define LQBTQIA+, Sexual Orientation, 4 min – Sexting & video, 10 min - Public Comments/Questions Bathrooms, Locker rooms, Library content on Gender & Sex, Transgender Policy and your child without informing the parents, Why are we teaching this, Opting Out, All of the Board Voted YES to this except Keith Hamilton, taught in 3 & 4th Marking Period, 25:40 Superintendent says, “We take into consideration the concerns of the community that we serve, the whole community.”

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