Briggs and Stratton Starter Driver Gear Fix

2 years ago

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Simple project. A wrench to disconnect the starer wire. A socket to remove the starter. A hammer and punch to remove the shaft pin. And a file if you want to dress up the tip of the shaft.

This is a used engine. I have used for a used for few years. Mostly snow blowing on a Bolens H14 tractor.

Putting on the snow blower last week. The starter would spin but not turn the engine. I'm happy when things fail on a nice day in the garage. Not during a below zero snow storm.

I took it apart, cleaned it up and got it to work. Amazing, you don't really need all those extra parts :) No way to know when the missing parts disappeared or how long it was like this.

I ordered a new kit from O'Reilly Auto Parts. O'Reilly part number 7-03421. No extra charge for next day in store pick up.

It was working when I started, even better, it's working after I finished!

Thanks for watching.

Yes, that's a 16HP Briggs IC engine in a Bolens H14 tube frame. Very nice snow fighting machine.

October 2022


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