Joan Hughes Funeral Tribute. Tuesday, 25th October, 2022. Christ Church, Moreton, Wirral.

1 year ago

Funeral Service of Joan Hughes.
11/09/1941 to 07/09/2022
Christ Church, Moreton, Wirral.
Burial Service, Landican Cemetery, Wirral.
Tuesday, 25th October, 2022.

Funeral Home. 3:35
Procession from home. 4:09
Christ Church Moreton. 7:09
Christ Church Service. 7:50
Memories of Joan. Rev'd D Stott. 10:30
Poem. Don't Cry For Me. Charlie Anson. 16:05
Poem. A Reminiscence. Rev'd D Stott. 17:04
Honouring Mum. Steven Hughes. 17:55
Sermon, John 1:1-18. Rev'd D Stott. 28:46
Procession from Christ Church. 38:11
Arrival at Landican. 40:35
Arrival Burial Plot. 42:15
Burial Service Landican. 43:12

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