You're cursed with the ability to see ghosts, what would you prefer? #ghost #ghostoftsushima

1 year ago

You're cursed with the ability to see ghosts but you can only see either A. sexy ghosts that are constantly trying to get you hard at all times (you cant feel anything) or B. smart ghosts that always correct you in a condescending way to make you feel stupid, which do you choose and why?
I feel like B would be so helpfull during tests and stuff. So imma go B because free cheats.
I’d choose B. Condescending or not that could be handy.
I want to flock a ghost
Wtf, I'm already horny all the time....I take option B
A, cause I don’t have a dick. Being hard all the time isn’t an issue
Jokes on you, im actually into both of those
What do the ghosts do if you're not wrong though.
A. I already live with B 24/7.
This question is just "would you rather have erectile dysfunction or crippling self esteem issues"
I almost went with B, but I think a lot of Hermione ghosts correcting me around be so annoying and I am girl, no problem on getting horny in public... So Sexy inconvenient ghosts it is!
Ghosts I can beat off to, please.
Smart ghosts. Being corrected might not be fun, but I’d become smarter for it.
B. We just become friends. I'm sure they mean no harm. If they're hanging around me that much, they must like my company.
The sexy ones, I can't stand condescending assholes
I feel like A is specific towards men.
Since i have no penis: A
That sound like psychosis
Sexy ghosts. I’m a woman so if I’m horny nobodies gonna see it.
I'm immune to the sexy ghosts so I'll just piss them off.
Both please, you would just have to get good at ignoring the hot ghosts when you're at a family reunion.
Smart ghosts can help me learn, but I'll be depressed. But I'll learn. So B.
B. I already have sexy ghosts, I have tinder.
B, as long as they keep to facts. I don't need to hear opinions.
*laughs in asexual* I'm gonna say A because I'd rather not be irritated all the time by the attempts to make me feel stupid.
A couse then I would be a ghost buster
Option A, 100%.
You can hid a erection but you can't hide stupid ill say a.
B, what do they look like tho
I’d choose A cause I’m biologically female and can’t get “hard” and I’m pretty much always horny anyway so free porn
A. Hopefully I get haunted by that guy’s dead wife.
Isn't option B basically schizophrenia?

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