My Will for you involves the Dreams of your Heart ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

1 year ago

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My Will for you involves the Dreams of your Heart

September 6, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord has not forgotten the precious things lingering in our hearts, Heartdwellers. What a wonderful message tonight on our dreams and opportunities! Lord, what is on Your heart tonight? He answered…

(Jesus) “Patience. My children and My people have great need of patience, as we embark on this journey into a new day. I will be bringing you all into unfamiliar territory. You have been going through a period of cleansing in preparation for this. You are coming out of a period of exhausting work. Now I have called you to put your hands to the plough with your new gifts.

“Some of you are aware of what these gifts are and others are not. I am asking you to follow your heart. I am planting desires in your hearts that have begun the rooting process and now they will begin to come forth. But these gifts will never take shape if you fill your lives with busy work and stay out of touch with Me.

“How will you recognize them? You are going to feel a desire, a very quiet, deep desire down in your soul, which is in the area of your umbilical cord.”

(Clare) Wow, I remember being called to the bedside of a woman who was passing and I saw a brilliant tunnel-like shaft of light, similar to an umbilical cord, stretching down from the heavens, resting on her stomach.

(Jesus) “Yes, that’s the tunnel. All believers are prepared to exit that way, and it is also the seat of the soul.”

(Clare) I thought You lived inside our hearts, Lord?

(Jesus) “I do, but the soul is the door leading out from the body. They are intimately connected, just as in anatomy the stomach and bowels are intimately connected with the heart. It is merely a general location, not cast in concrete. That’s why you get a gut-level feeling about things; it is an interaction with the conscience, which resides in that general area, as well.

“Further, the brain cells in the stomach communicate with the mind through electronic impulses, which help a person to determine their choices in life. Oh, the body is intimately and gloriously knit together, and is the crown of My creation!

“Back to your hearts… or rather, should I say heart and soul? You will find what you are looking for there. You will find Me there, as well. That’s why you are heartdwellers… your hearts are one with Mine, My heart is one with yours. Abide in the vine, My children, and you will bring forth much fruit. (John 15)

“In the vine you will find My still small voice directing you. You will feel a sparkle in your soul when something important is mentioned to you.

“For instance, Clare, you received a gift recently that rekindled a suppressed desire and now you are well on your way journeying with that gift. That twinkle spark illuminated moment was a Rhema, an illumination of something important to you, My will for you. Oh Clare, I love it when you spend hours and hours alone with Me! Your mind is so much clearer afterwards.”

(Clare) Yeah, that’s true.

(Jesus) “Truly, dealing with administration is a murky process, just too entangled. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please him who enlisted him as a soldier. (2. Timothy 2:4)

“Please – touch it lightly and get out. You will find that dealing with the gross elemental concerns of the world desensitizes you for prayer. That’s why prayer is its best first thing in the morning. No clutter to clear out first. You are fresh.

“Well, back to My point. All of you have hidden little dreams that you’ve written off as just your own wandering mind and will. If these desires are not vain and worldly, they may very well be from Me. Desires of the world carry a certain bitterness and noise with them. Desires from Heaven are very quiet and sweet.


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